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Thread: Trumps positive for COVID-19

  1. #126
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    MORRISTOWN, N.J. – While several Trump administration officials are self-isolating or battling COVID-19 at home, former New Jersey Governor Chris Christie remains hospitalized a week after testing positive for the virus.

    Now entering his second week in the hospital, Christie told CNN that he has been prescribed remdesivir, one of the drugs that Trump was given.

    Christie not only spent several days helping Trump prepare for the presidential debate, but also attended the Sept. 26 White House event for Judge Amy Coney Barrett that is suspected to have been a superspreader event. More than two dozen people linked to the White House have since contracted COVID-19.

    On October 2, Christie thanked well-wishers on Twitter, saying, “I feel fine and have no symptoms.”

    The following day, Christie tweeted that he had tested positive and decided to check himself into Morristown Medical Center after consulting with doctors.

    “While I am feeling good and only have mild symptoms, due to my history of asthma we decided this is an important precautionary measure,” Christie Tweeted.

    CNN reported that Christie is now under “close watch” by doctors but there were no further details about his current condition.

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    Update Donald Trump has a New Rally at the White House that was Funded by a group called BLEXIT.

    At his first public event since being diagnosed with Covid-19, President Donald Trump spoke to hundreds of supporters on the South Lawn of the White House, giving a speech meant to honor law enforcement officials at a time when Black Lives Matter activists are calling to defund the police.

    The crowd was primarily made up of Black and brown people invited by Blexit, an organization that seeks to move Black voters away from the Democratic Party, and Trump used their presence to both salute their politics and attack his Democratic rivals.

    “Every day more Black and Latino Americans are leaving behind left wing politicians and their failed ideology,” the president said during his address. “And they’re embracing our pro-jobs, pro-worker, pro-police — we want law and order, we have to have law and order — and pro-American agenda.”

    While this isn’t exactly true, Trump does enjoy some support among Black and brown voters — particularly among men.

    A recent analysis from FiveThirtyEight found that Black and Hispanic voters who backed Trump in 2016 are largely still with him, despite the poor ratings the president has received for his handling of the coronavirus pandemic. Trump won just 8 percent of African American voters in 2016, and appears to have about 10 percent support in the weeks leading up to the election. Despite this modest gain, the president remains deeply unpopular with the group, making his appeal to them “a game of inches,” as the New York Times’s Maggie Haberman and Annie Karni have written — and making his ability to win new Black voters in key races unclear.

    Nevertheless, Blexit cofounders Candace Owens and Brandon Tatum are adamant Black Americans want to leave what Owens has characterized as “the Democrat plantation.”

    Overall, the Blexit movement presents itself as wanting to “change the narrative that surrounds America’s minority communities” by advocating for school choice, criminal justice reform, and entrepreneurship, among other goals. And these themes were on display not just at the Trump event, but at the Blexit rally that proceeded it.

    Held near the White House on the National Mall, the rally featured speeches from Owens, Tatum, and Black conservative talk radio host Larry Elder about how oppression isn’t real, how Black people must take accountability for their actions, and how police officers are allies.

    “Today is about making sure that we make some noise to support our police officers in America,” Owens said. “When you remove police officers the thugs stand up.”

    Following these remarks, the crowd moved to the White House. They were required to wear Blexit apparel — bright blue tops that said “We the Free” on the front and “Blexit backs the Blue” on the back — and to have masks, but reportedly were not required to wear them.

    There, Trump delivered a campaign-style speech that honored police and that contained his pitch to Black and brown voters.

    “We call this a peaceful protest at the White House in support of the incredible men and women of law enforcement,” Trump said, later adding, “It’s a dangerous profession and they’ve been doing an incredible job.”
    Trump also took an opportunity to characterize Black Lives Matter protests as violent, focusing on looting, which a study from the Armed Conflict Location and Event Data project found took place at fewer than 10 percent of demonstrations. “The homes and churches and businesses of Black and Hispanic Americans have been looted. ... They’ve been vandalized and burned by left wing fanatics,” Trump said.

    Black and Brown people have been hit the hardest by the coronavirus. The event likely posed a serious threat to the health of attendees.
    Though Trump expressed enthusiasm and gratitude for the Black and brown supporters standing below him on the lawn, that he hosted the event at all, suggests he has little concern for their well-being.

    From the onset, Covid-19 has disproportionately impacted Black and brown communities. Analysis by the nonpartisan study group APM Research Lab shows that 1 in 1,000 Black Americans have already died from Covid-19. According to the CDC, the coronavirus death toll is twice as high for Hispanic, Black, and Native American adults under age 65 as for whites — and children of color make up 75 percent of coronavirus deaths of people under 21.

    Any crowd risks spreading the coronavirus. But a crowd like the one at the White House — made up of Black and brown people, some of whom had traveled to participate, with intermittent mask usage — risks further spreading Covid-19 among the population it has hit the hardest, and the population it is most likely to kill.

    Yet on Saturday, Owens claimed that “Black Americans, Latino Americans, minority Americans are dying because the media is lying,” and did not acknowledge the coronavirus as onlookers stood shoulder-to-shoulder wearing “Make America Great Again” hats, some of them without masks.

    Similarly, Trump also ignored the impact of the coronavirus on the people standing before him, saying, “Our nation’s going to defeat this terrible China virus as we call it ... through the power of the American spirit, I think, more than anything else. Science, medicine will eradicate the China virus once and for all.”

    Despite Trump’s optimism and faith in the “American spirit,” experts warn that because of Trump’s inaction and with states rolling back restrictions, a coronavirus surge is likely in the fall and winter, with cases already trending up since mid-September. And should this next surge be like the last few, the brunt of it will be borne by Black and brown Americans.

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  6. #131
    What do you care? Boston Babe 73's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by raisedbywolves View Post
    I don't associate with people that drink the Trump Kool-aid. However, he went to an airport where lots of people were working and/or traveling, and these people will be coming into contact with other employees and family/friends in the community, so it really doesn't matter whether you drink the Trump Kool-aid or not, he and his super spreader entourage potentially exposed a bunch of people.
    I was thinking of you during that rally. Let's see how many end up with it or better yet, dead. We need Darwin to do his work.
    Quote Originally Posted by Nic B View Post
    That is too pretty to be shoved up an ass.
    Quote Originally Posted by Nic B View Post
    You can take those Fleets and shove them up your ass

  7. #132
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    Quote Originally Posted by Boston Babe 73 View Post
    I was thinking of you during that rally. Let's see how many end up with it or better yet, dead. We need Darwin to do his work.
    The problem with Darwin is that he won't confine his "work" to those at the rally. We see it here as well, lots of not so careful people went to the Sturgis Bike Rally. Next week they went back to their regular lives, working at jobs where they come into contact with all manner of less insane people. Now, two months after the rally cases have spread every where. If we could only (what is the phrase I'm looking for?) Oh yes. Lock them up.
    Quote Originally Posted by bowieluva View Post
    lol at Nestle being some vicious smiter, she's the nicest person on this site besides probably puzzld. Or at least the last person to resort to smiting.
    Quote Originally Posted by nestlequikie View Post
    Why on earth would I smite you when I can ban you?

  8. #133
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    Quote Originally Posted by puzzld View Post
    The problem with Darwin is that he won't confine his "work" to those at the rally. We see it here as well, lots of not so careful people went to the Sturgis Bike Rally. Next week they went back to their regular lives, working at jobs where they come into contact with all manner of less insane people. Now, two months after the rally cases have spread every where. If we could only (what is the phrase I'm looking for?) Oh yes. Lock them up.
    This is exactly what I am worried about. Lots of people work and pass through this airport every day, and if there is an incubation period of 2 weeks, who knows how many people will be exposed, and then in turn expose other people. I'm super pissed that he is doing these rallies in person. If we could limit it to the dumb non-mask wearing GOP that get sick, then fine...but we all know that isn't how it works. And since Gov DeSansBrains lifted all the restrictions right before this happens, everyone will have even more opportunity to not wear masks and to congregate in large groups and spread it more. Yay!

  9. #134
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    Barron Trump has been tested positive for COVID-19

    Melania Trump said Wednesday that after an initial negative test, 14-year-old Barron Trump tested positive for COVID-19.

    "It was two weeks ago when I received the diagnosis that so many Americans across our country and the world had already received—I tested positive for COVID-19," the first lady said in a statement. "To make matters worse, my husband, and our nation’s Commander-in-Chief, received the same news."

    She continued: "Naturally my mind went immediately to our son. To our great relief he tested negative, but again, as so many parents have thought over the past several months, I couldn’t help but think “what about tomorrow or the next day?”

    My fear came true when he was tested again and it came up positive. Luckily he is a strong teenager and exhibited no symptoms. In one way I was glad the three of us went through this at the same time so we could take care of one another and spend time together. He has since tested negative."

    Stephanie Grisham, the first lady's chief of staff and spokeswoman, told USA TODAY on Oct. 2 that Barron "has tested negative, and all precautions are being taken to ensure he’s kept safe and healthy."

    Before departing for a campaign rally in Des Moines Wednesday, President Donald Trump told reporters on the White House South Lawn that Barron is doing "fine."

    The president was discharged from Walter Reed National Medical Center Monday, four days after he and Melania tested positive for COVID-19. Trump has tested negative for COVID-19 on “consecutive days,” White House physician Sean Conley said in a memo released Monday. The first lady said Wednesday she, too, has since tested negative.

    At least 20 people, including top administration officials, have tested positive since Trump announced his positive results Oct. 2. Many attended Judge Amy Coney Barrett's nomination ceremony Sept. 26 at the White House Rose Garden, where few people wore masks.

    More:More than two dozen administration officials, associates and others have tested positive

    Barron's private school, St. Andrew's Episcopal, was set to begin "a phased transition to hybrid learning" this week.

    Asked back in July about sending his son and grandchildren back to school, Trump said he would be "comfortable" with it. At the time, White House counselor Kellyanne Conway said that it would be a "personal decision" by the president and first lady.

    The first lady also detailed her experience with the virus Wednesday, saying though she experienced "minimal" symptoms, "a roller coaster of symptoms" hit her "all at once" in the days after her diagnosis.

    "I experienced body aches, a cough and headaches, and felt extremely tired most of the time. I chose to go a more natural route in terms of medicine, opting more for vitamins and healthy food," she said.

    The first lady said her convalescence gave her time to "reflect."

    "When my husband was taken to Walter Reed as a precaution, I spent much of my time reflecting on my family. I also thought about the hundreds of thousands of people across our country who have been impacted by this illness that infects people with no discrimination," she said.

    Melania also thanked the staff that nursed her back to health. "It was an unfamiliar feeling for me to be the patient instead of a person trying to encourage our nation to stay healthy and safe. It was me being taken care of now, and getting first-hand experience with all that COVID-19 can do," she said.

    "To the medical staff and the residence staff who have been taking care of our family—thank you doesn’t say enough," she added.

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    In the days following President Trump’s apparent recovery from COVID-19, he and his administration have returned to pushing the notion that America should fight the pandemic by attempting to achieve so-called herd immunity, rather than trying to stop the spread through the use of masks and by reducing in-person contacts.

    On Sunday, one day after his doctors cleared his return to the campaign trail, Trump posted a tweet that was quickly flagged on Twitter as spreading misinformation.

    “A total and complete sign off from White House Doctors yesterday. That means I can’t get it (immune), and can’t give it. Very nice to know!!!” the president wrote.

    In fact, some people — very few — who have recovered from COVID-19 have been infected a second time, apparently with a mutated strain of the virus. The idea behind herd immunity is that if a high enough percentage of a population, upwards of 60 to 70 percent, is exposed to a virus and produces antibodies for it, the chain of infection will be broken.

    Vaccination is one way that communities can help achieve herd immunity — which is why doctors urge patients young and old to get the flu shot each year — because it introduces a small amount of the virus into the human body, triggering the production of antibodies.

    But for now, at least, a COVID-19 vaccine remains elusive and the U.S. is nowhere close to herd immunity. The number of confirmed cases of COVID-19 is a little less than 8 million; the actual number is believed to be considerably higher, but epidemiologists estimate that 85 to 90 percent of Americans are still susceptible to catching the disease. There have been more than 216,000 confirmed deaths from the disease in the U.S., implying a case fatality rate that could be as high as 2.74 percent. But even a much lower rate, applied to the population range still susceptible to contracting COVID-19, could result in a staggering death toll, far exceeding current fatalities.

    Never in the history of public health has herd immunity been used as a strategy for responding to an outbreak, let alone a pandemic,” World Health Organization director-general Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said at a Monday briefing. “It is scientifically and ethically problematic.”

    The same day Tedros made his latest comments about herd immunity, Trump mischaracterized a statement by another WHO official in order to bolster his position that lockdowns put in place to slow the spread of the coronavirus should be lifted.

    In fact, the WHO has not shifted its position, and has always stated that lockdown restrictions, while sometimes necessary, should be used as a measure of last resort.

    Seizing on that apparent contradiction, the Trump administration convened a call with reporters to promote the idea that the U.S. should look to herd immunity to help put an end to the pandemic, the New York Times reported Wednesday. During that call, two officials who requested anonymity cited a petition called the Great Barrington Declaration, which calls for states to lift coronavirus restrictions for the bulk of American citizens.

    “The most compassionate approach that balances the risks and benefits of reaching herd immunity, is to allow those who are at minimal risk of death to live their lives normally to build up immunity to the virus through natural infection, while better protecting those who are at highest risk. We call this Focused Protection,” the document states.

    It is unclear how far Trump and his administration will go to push states to adopt a herd immunity approach to the virus, but as his mass campaign rallies have resumed in defiance of some state guidelines, the number of U.S. cases of COVID-19 is on the rise. Over the past two weeks, new cases have risen by 21 percent, according to the New York Times, a statistic that seems lost on the president.

    “Now they say I’m immune. I feel so powerful I’ll walk into that audience,” Trump said at a Monday rally in Florida, adding, “I’ll kiss everyone in that audience.”

    Yet Trump himself seemed to have been persuaded that doing nothing to stem the spread of the coronavirus was unethical. One of his favorite anecdotes over the past several months has been to take credit for reducing COVID-19 deaths that would have resulted in simply letting the virus roam free.

    “Think of the number — potentially 2.2 million people if we did nothing, if we didn’t do the distancing, if we didn’t do all of the things that we’re doing,” Trump said in April.

    At the same time, he has seemed enticed by the example set by Sweden, which refused to enact strong measures to slow the spread of the virus.

    “You’ll develop herd — like a herd mentality,” Trump said during a town hall in Pennsylvania days before he, too, contracted COVID-19. “It’s going to be — it’s going to be herd developed, and that’s going to happen.”

    Herd immunity (not herd mentality) is a tried and true epidemiological concept. A study published Tuesday in the journal Immunity concluded that COVID-19 antibodies could protect a person from reinfection by the same strain of the disease for five to seven months. But in order to achieve herd immunity for COVID-19, the U.S. must either produce vaccine or be content with letting millions more Americans contract the disease and hundreds of thousands more die from it.

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    Former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie on Thursday urged Americans to wear masks to fight the coronavirus that put him in intensive care for seven days, and warned the virus is "something to take very seriously."

    Christie was one of a number of people with ties to the White House who tested positive for the coronavirus at around the same time as President Donald Trump.

    "I believed that when I entered the White House grounds, that I had entered a safe zone, due to the testing that and I and many others underwent every day. I was wrong. I was wrong to not wear a mask at the Amy Coney Barrett announcement and I was wrong not to wear a mask at my multiple debate prep sessions with the President and the rest of the team," Christie said in a statement obtained by NBC News.

    The government's top infectious disease doctor, Anthony Fauci, last week called the Rose Garden event, where few attendees wore masks, a "superspreader event."

    The longtime Trump ally said he's now recovered from his illness and appeared to distance himself from the president, who said he felt better that he's felt in decades after getting treated for the virus.

    "No one should be happy to get the virus and no one should be cavalier about being infected or infecting others," Christie said. "It is something to take very seriously. The ramifications are wildly random and potentially deadly."

    He also said public officials "have not treated Americans as adults, who understand truth, sacrifice and responsibility."

    "When you have seven days in isolation in an ICU though, you have time to do a lot of thinking," Christie said, advocating that people "follow CDC guidelines in public no matter where you are and wear a mask to protect yourself and others."

    "Every public official, regardless of party or position, should advocate for every American to wear a mask in public, appropriately socially distance and to wash your hands frequently every day. At the same time, we should be reopening in every corner of this nation under these guidelines," Christie said.

    "I believe that these two steps can bring our country together while our pharmaceutical companies invent the therapeutics and vaccines which will rid us of this virus," he added.

    "While we may seem very divided today, I do believe we can use this public health tragedy to bring us together. It is never too late to start," he said, but "It will take leadership that both challenges and trusts the American people.
    Quote Originally Posted by bowieluva View Post
    lol at Nestle being some vicious smiter, she's the nicest person on this site besides probably puzzld. Or at least the last person to resort to smiting.
    Quote Originally Posted by nestlequikie View Post
    Why on earth would I smite you when I can ban you?

  12. #137
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    So Christie isn't as batshit as Cheeto.

  13. #138
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    Quote Originally Posted by raisedbywolves View Post
    So Christie isn't as batshit as Cheeto.
    So it seems. I think he saw the grim reaper sitting on the foot of his bed. Hopefully he keeps singing this new song.
    Quote Originally Posted by bowieluva View Post
    lol at Nestle being some vicious smiter, she's the nicest person on this site besides probably puzzld. Or at least the last person to resort to smiting.
    Quote Originally Posted by nestlequikie View Post
    Why on earth would I smite you when I can ban you?

  14. #139
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    Quote Originally Posted by puzzld View Post
    So it seems. I think he saw the grim reaper sitting on the foot of his bed. Hopefully he keeps singing this new song.
    You know they moved heaven and earth to get him well, and he still spent over a week in the ICU...telling. I'm pretty sure you are correct.

    He should get his ass out and stand with Fauci and put out commercials on the dangers and how we should all wear a mask. I am sure Cheeto will be pissed over his recent comments, lets see if Christie walks them back.

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    Quote Originally Posted by raisedbywolves View Post
    You know they moved heaven and earth to get him well, and he still spent over a week in the ICU...telling. I'm pretty sure you are correct.

    He should get his ass out and stand with Fauci and put out commercials on the dangers and how we should all wear a mask. I am sure Cheeto will be pissed over his recent comments, lets see if Christie walks them back.
    I hope the Lincoln Project gets on that cause people need to here it. Again and again.
    Quote Originally Posted by bowieluva View Post
    lol at Nestle being some vicious smiter, she's the nicest person on this site besides probably puzzld. Or at least the last person to resort to smiting.
    Quote Originally Posted by nestlequikie View Post
    Why on earth would I smite you when I can ban you?

  16. #141
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    Quote Originally Posted by puzzld View Post
    I hope the Lincoln Project gets on that cause people need to here it. Again and again.
    They did but on deaf ears of Trump but Biden voters get it.

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    Quote Originally Posted by puzzld View Post
    I hope the Lincoln Project gets on that cause people need to here it. Again and again.

    Is Trump voters going to watch stuff from the Lincoln Project no! Sure I agree with them politically except this whole COVID-19 fiasco is about Trump wanting his supporters to take anything as Kool-aid.

  18. #143
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    Anyone that supports either one of these two candidates is an idiot and get what you deserve.

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    In the latest episode of Eric Bolling’s show from the Sinclair Broadcast Group, “America This Week,” the conservative broadcaster perpetuated misinformation about the origin of the coronavirus pandemic and measures that help slow its spread.

    In the episode, which was posted to several Sinclair station websites this week, Mr. Bolling made claims, which scientists have widely disputed, that the coronavirus was manipulated in a Chinese laboratory. He also questioned the effectiveness of face coverings and lockdowns, despite evidence that they are instrumental in limiting transmissions.

    “It’s damn near certain this virus has to have been altered in a Chinese lab,” Mr. Bolling said in his monologue. “No way this is your routine ‘guy and girlfriend chow down on an uncooked bat turned into a virus.’”

    Mr. Bolling, a former Fox News host, also said that “closing down cities and economies and wearing your tube socks around your face hasn’t slowed the virus down.”

    In an interview on Friday, after the liberal media watchdog group Media Matters for America raised concerns about the episode, Mr. Bolling said the segment was being edited to remove some of his statements before airing this weekend on dozens of Sinclair stations. Sinclair, which is known for its conservative stances, owns or operates nearly 200 television stations across the country and reaches 39 percent of American households.
    Ronn Torossian, a Sinclair spokesman, said in a statement on Friday that Mr. Bolling “did not provide necessary context when providing commentary about the recent rise in new coronavirus cases.”

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    “Eric remains committed to discussing important issues, but in this instance recognizes that his words may be misinterpreted. As a result, we have decided to edit the episode and remove the portion in question,” Mr. Torossian said.

    Mr. Bolling stood by his unsubstantiated claims that Chinese scientists had tampered with the virus. He did not cite studies to support his belief but said, “I read a lot,” adding, “Some of my closest friends are doctors.” On Friday, an online version of the show still included his claims that the virus was altered in a lab.

    Mr. Bolling’s claim followed similar statements by a guest last month on the Fox News show hosted by Tucker Carlson. Scientists have concluded that the coronavirus “is not a laboratory construct or a purposefully manipulated virus” and linked it to bats. Suggestions that the virus was engineered at some point to become more dangerous are “just nonsense,” other scientists said.

    Mr. Bolling has been a conduit for virus-related misinformation before. In a July segment of his Sinclair show, he interviewed the discredited scientist Judy Mikovits, who was featured in a debunked video called “Plandemic.” Ms. Mikovits shared false claims linking Dr. Anthony Fauci, the national infections-disease expert, to the creation of the coronavirus. Sinclair pulled the segment, saying on Twitter that it was “not appropriate to air.”

    In the interview, Mr. Bolling said his comment on face coverings was not meant seriously. “For two years, I’ve worn masks on airplanes,” he added. “I believe in masks. I believe masks save lives, and I always have.”

    President Trump, whom Mr. Bolling is scheduled to interview in a Sinclair town-hall-style event next week, has said of face coverings: “Maybe they’re great, and maybe they’re just good. Maybe they’re not so good.”

    Dr. Robert Redfield, the director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, said last month that the pandemic could be controlled in six to 12 weeks if all Americans wore face coverings, calling them “the most important, powerful public health tool we have.” The use of masks has also been backed by health experts from the Mayo Clinic Health System; Stanford University; the University of California, San Francisco; and Johns Hopkins Medicine. They say they reduce the number of respiratory droplets expelled into the air and limit the risk of coronavirus exposure.

    Mr. Bolling began hosting “America This Week” last year. He was was ousted from Fox News in 2017 after a report that he had sent lewd photographs via text message to three female colleagues, allegations he denied.

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    Update 4 members of Mike Pence's staff have been tested positive for COVID-19

    Four of of Vice President Mike Pence's advisers, including his chief of staff and senior political adviser, have tested positive for Covid-19.

    Pence's office said in a statement Saturday night that his chief of staff, Marc Short, "began quarantine" after learning of the diagnosis and was cooperating with a contact-tracing effort.

    “Vice President Pence and Mrs. Pence both tested negative for COVID-19 today, and remain in good health," vice presidential spokesman Devin O'Malley said in the statement.

    “While Vice President Pence is considered a close contact with Mr. Short, in consultation with the White House Medical Unit, the Vice President will maintain his schedule in accordance with the CDC guidelines for essential personnel," he said.

    Pence still plans to travel to North Carolina on Sunday, his office said.

    Additionally, a source familiar with the matter told NBC News that Pence’s senior political adviser, Marty Obst, also tested positive.

    Obst was at the debate in Salt Lake City with Pence Oct. 7, posing maskless with him and others after the event. Obst is not a government employee.

    On Sunday morning, a person familiar with the matter told NBC News that two additional aides tested positive for the coronavirus in recent days.

    The vice president wore a mask Saturday while traveling on Air Force Two for his campaign events in Lakeland and Tallahassee, Florida, and he took it off for his remarks.

    Pence said during the Tallahassee event that he would be on the floor for Monday night’s Senate confirmation vote for Judge Amy Coney Barrett.

    “As vice president I'm President of the Senate. And I'm gonna be in the chair because I wouldn't miss that vote for the world," he said. "And I'll make you a prediction, come this Monday night, Judge Amy Coney Barrett is going to be Justice Amy Coney Barrett. We're gonna fill that seat.”

    Over the last several weeks, Pence has only on occasion worn a face covering, including Friday while early voting indoors.

    At the beginning of October, President Donald Trump announced he had the virus and, after being treated at Walter Reed Medical Center, said he had fully recovered days later.

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    Wow now a Spokesman for a mask company has got a front row seat to the politicizing of N95 Masks

  24. #149
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    Up your ass should you make the mistake of pissing me off.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Quint75 View Post
    Anyone that supports either one of these two candidates is an idiot and get what you deserve.

    Lookie here, guise, a lurker who came out to play!!

    Here's the way it works, noob. We gets choices, see...and sometimes these choices ain't the greatest, see...but we gotta pick one.

    And anyone who claims to be "intelligent" or a "patriot" an votes for Trump, doesn't know the meaning of those two words.

    Voters, by and large, are uninformed and selfish, greedy and downright ignorant to a fault. They wouldn't recognize their privilege even if it smacked them in the face, daily.

    As a result, we get what we've had the last four years, a douchebag wannabe porn actor, horrifically greedy business "tycoon", amoral sack of dog shit to sit in the Oval Office for the last 4 years.

    I don't vote for myself, I vote for those who need someone on their side.

    I vote for candidates who extend social programs to people who fucking need it.

    I vote to make sure that the kid I take care of in the hospital also has food when he gets home. And if you vote otherwise, you are dog shit with a pulse and you can fucking die with that knowledge.

    I have it good. Good jobs, good pay, days off, healthcare...expensive but still, good. But when I pay more in taxes than a "billionaire businessman", then there is something seriously fucking wrong with this country and the way things are done.

    And so, if they're both so bad, what do you suggest? Both candidates are beholden to donors, and we can thank the High Court in this country for that.

    Neither of our candidates are stellar, but these are our choices. And not voting means fuck you and your ability to complain. If you didn't take part in the process, you don't get to complain about the results.
    Don't like what I have to say? I respect that. Go fuck yourself.

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    WASHINGTON (AP) — Vice President Mike Pence plans to maintain an aggressive campaign schedule this week despite an apparent outbreak of the coronavirus among his senior aides, the White House says.

    Pence’s chief of staff, Marc Short, and “a couple of key staff surrounding the vice president” have tested positive for the virus, White House chief of staff Mark Meadows said Sunday.

    The vice president, who along with his wife, Karen, tested negative on Sunday, according to his office, is considered a “close contact” of the aides under Centers for Disease Control and Prevention criteria but will not quarantine, his spokesman said.

    Devin O’Malley said Pence decided to maintain his travel schedule “in consultation with the White House Medical Unit” and “in accordance with the CDC guidelines for essential personnel.” Those guidelines require that essential workers exposed to someone with the coronavirus closely monitor for symptoms of COVID-19 and wear a mask whenever around other people.

    O’Malley said Pence and his wife, Karen, both tested negative on Saturday “and remain in good health.”

    President Donald Trump commented on Short early Sunday after his plane landed at Joint Base Andrews, outside Washington. “I did hear about it just now,” he said. “And I think he’s quarantining. Yeah. I did hear about it. He’s going to be fine. But he’s quarantining.”

    Saskia Popescu, an infectious disease expert at George Mason University, called Pence’s decision to travel “grossly negligent” regardless of the stated justification that Pence is an essential worker.

    “It’s just an insult to everybody who has been working in public health and public health response,” she said. “I also find it really harmful and disrespectful to the people going to the rally” and the people on Pence’s own staff who will accompany him.

    “He needs to be staying home 14 days,” she added. “Campaign events are not essential.”

    After a day of campaigning in Florida on Saturday, Pence was seen wearing a mask as he returned to Washington aboard Air Force Two shortly after the news of Short’s diagnosis was made public. He is scheduled to hold a rally on Sunday afternoon in Kinston, North Carolina, with travel planned to Minnesota on Monday and North Carolina once again on Tuesday.

    Pence, who has headed the White House coronavirus task force since late February, has repeatedly found himself in an uncomfortable position balancing political concerns with the administration’s handling the pandemic that has killed more than 220,000 Americans. The vice president has advocated mask-wearing and social distancing, but often does not wear one himself and holds large political events where many people do not wear face-coverings.

    By virtue of his position as vice president, Pence is considered an essential worker. The White House did not address how Pence’s political activities amounted to essential work.

    Short’s diagnosis comes weeks after the coronavirus spread through the White House, infecting Trump, the first lady, and two dozen other aides, staffers and allies.

    Short, Pence’s top aide and one of his closest confidants, did not travel with the vice president on Saturday. Top Pence political adviser Marty Obst tested positive for the coronavirus earlier this week, a person familiar with the matter said.

    Pence’s handling of his exposure to a confirmed positive case stands in contrast to how Democratic vice presidential nominee Kamala Harris responded when a close aide and a member of her campaign plane’s charter crew tested positive for the virus earlier this month. She took several days off the campaign trail, citing her desire to act out of an abundance of caution.


    This version corrects in the news summary that Pence tested negative.

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