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Thread: Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Supreme Court Justice and Liberal Icon, Dies at 87

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    Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Supreme Court Justice and Liberal Icon, Dies at 87

    Ruth Bader Ginsburg, the second woman appointed to the Supreme Court whose unwavering fight for women?s rights and social justice made her an icon to many admirers of the court?s liberal wing, died Friday. She was 87.

    Ginsburg died at her home in Washington, D.C., due to complications of metastatic cancer, according to a statement from the Supreme Court. She was surrounded by family.

    "Our Nation has lost a jurist of historic stature. We at the Supreme Court have lost a cherished colleague," Chief Justice John G. Roberts said in a statement. "Today we mourn, but with confidence that future generations will remember Ruth Bader Ginsburg as we knew her -- a tireless and resolute champion of justice."

    Ginsburg?s health had been more uneven in recent years. She was treated with chemotherapy in 2020 for a recurrence of pancreatic cancer -- first treated in 2009 -- that spread to her liver, and had four prior cancer diagnoses.

    She underwent chemotherapy in 2020 for a recurrence of pancreatic cancer -- first treated in 2009 -- that spread to her liver. In early November, 2018, she was hospitalized after fracturing three ribs, leading doctors to discover malignant nodules in her lungs, which were successfully removed in December, 2018. Months later, during the summer of 2019, she was treated for pancreatic cancer. In 1999, she had surgery for colorectal cancer.

    Justice Ginsburg, who served on the court for more than 27 years since President Bill Clinton appointed her in 1993, was one of the court?s liberal voices and at the time of her death led the liberal wing?s four members.

    While diminutive and soft-spoken, her fiery dissent from the conservative court?s 2013 decision to remove voting rights protections sparked her ascent to pop-star status, earning her the nickname ?Notorious R.B.G.? (a riff on the late rapper Notorious B.I.G.) as well as viral memes and even infant Halloween costumes.

    Ginsburg?s renown continued to grow among progressives with her subsequent stinging dissents on reproductive rights and affirmative action cases.

    ?I am 84 years old and everyone wants to take a picture with me,? she said in 2018?s touching documentary of her life, RBG. That same year, Hollywood made a film of her life story, On the Basis Of Sex starring Felicity Jones as Ginsburg and Armie Hammer as her husband, Martin Ginsburg.

    The biopic focuses on a young RBG -- going through law school at Harvard and Columbia at the top of her class but unable to get hired at a law firm after graduating. Instead, she began her career teaching at Rutgers University's law school, focusing on sex discrimination law.

    Ginsburg made a name for herself as a champion of rights for women when she argued and won pioneering sex-discrimination cases before the Supreme Court in the 1970s. Once on the highest court, she wrote the 1996 opinion for the gender discrimination case United States v. Virginia that the all-male Virginia Military Institute must allow women.

    Alongside Ginsburg for 56 years was her greatest champion, husband Martin, who died in 2010 from complications of metastatic cancer. They have both said their union was built upon ?mutual respect and equality ? and a willingness to share domestic duties,? according to The Washington Post.

    The daughter of Celia and Nathan Bader, Joan Ruth Bader was born in Brooklyn, New York, on March 15, 1933. Her father emigrated to America from Russia and worked as a furrier and in a men?s clothing store. Her mother was a housewife.

    Raised in Brooklyn, Ginsburg was extraordinarily close with her mother, who imbued in her a passion for learning and scholarship. While Ginsburg was in high school, Celia Bader was diagnosed with cancer. The night before Ginsburg?s graduation, Celia died.

    Ginsburg wrote in a 2016 New York Times essay of her mother?s enduring influence: ?First, a mother who, by her example, made reading a delight and counseled me constantly to ?be independent,? able to fend for myself, whatever fortune might have in store for me.?

    During freshman year at Cornell University, the quiet Ginsburg met her future husband on a blind date. ?He was the first boy I ever knew who cared that I had a brain,? she said in RBG.

    They married upon her graduation in 1954. Ginsburg?s mother-in-law imparted wise advice that day. ??In every good marriage,? she counseled, ?it helps sometimes to be a little deaf,? ? Ginsburg recalled in the Times.

    ?I have employed it as well in every workplace, including the Supreme Court,? she wrote then. ?When a thoughtless or unkind word is spoken, best tune out. Reacting in anger or annoyance will not advance one?s ability to persuade.?

    In 1955, Ginsburg gave birth to their daughter, Jane. After her husband completed his Army service, the couple attended Harvard Law School. Ginsburg was just one of nine women in a class of 500.

    ?My success in law school, I have no doubt, was in large measure because of baby Jane. I attended classes and studied diligently until 4 in the afternoon; the next hours were Jane?s time, spent at the park, playing silly games or singing funny songs, reading picture books and A. A. Milne poems, and bathing and feeding her,? Ginsburg wrote in the Times.

    ?After Jane?s bedtime, I returned to the law books with renewed will. Each part of my life provided respite from the other and gave me a sense of proportion that classmates trained only on law studies lacked.?

    While in law school, Martin was stricken with cancer and underwent chemotherapy. Ginsburg helped him with his coursework before she turned to her own.

    ?So it was after 2 o?clock that I started whatever was needed for my own classes,? Ginsburg once told the Washington Post. ?I came to realize that I didn?t need a whole lot of sleep and I could stretch my day.?

    Marty, a year ahead of his wife, graduated from Harvard in 1958 and joined a New York City law firm. Ginsburg followed him to Manhattan and finished her final year at Columbia Law School ? tied for first in her class.

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    Oh, fucking no. no, no, no, no, no, no. And you know that Trump and Mitch won't honor their own bullshit they spouted with Obama, saying someone in their last year shouldn't appoint a Supreme Court Justice. Well, all of you that voted 3rd party or didn't vote, this is on you. I hope it was worth it to stamp your foot because you 'couldn't get excited about Hillary'.

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    Quote Originally Posted by raisedbywolves View Post
    Oh, fucking no. no, no, no, no, no, no. And you know that Trump and Mitch won't honor their own bullshit they spouted with Obama, saying someone in their last year shouldn't appoint a Supreme Court Justice. Well, all of you that voted 3rd party or didn't vote, this is on you. I hope it was worth it to stamp your foot because you 'couldn't get excited about Hillary'.
    That's a lot of no's. What exactly makes you angry about her dying? Is it bcz Trump will replace her with someone else? This might not be his last year could be 4 more you never know.

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    WASHINGTON – Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg spoke in the last days before her death about her “fervent” wish that her seat remain unfilled until another president was in office.

    Ginsburg died Friday at the age of 87 from complications of metastatic pancreas cancer.

    NPR reports that Ginsburg said in a statement dictated to granddaughter Clara Spera, “My most fervent wish is that I will not be replaced until a new president is installed.”

    “If there is one iron rule that the court tries to follow more than any other, it is that the justices do all that they can to protect their institution from political attacks during presidential election years when public scrutiny of government is heightened,” Artemus Ward, a political scientist at Northern Illinois University told the Associated Press in early August after Ginsburg waited four months to reveal that her cancer had returned.

    As Ginsburg foresaw the upcoming political battle of her seat, as her death removes a liberal voice from the Supreme Court.

    In recent past, Justice John Roberts, whose voting record is generally conservative, sided with the liberal wing of the court in decisions about the so-called DREAMers, abortion and bans on church gatherings during the COVID-19 pandemic.

    Without Ginsburg, that majority might not have been possible even with Justice Roberts’ vote.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by S281Saleen160 View Post
    That's a lot of no's. What exactly makes you angry about her dying? Is it bcz Trump will replace her with someone else? This might not be his last year could be 4 more you never know.
    It's because they've been waiting for this, and then they are going to put in the most anti women's rights and equality person they can. They are going to fuck over people like your daughter as much as possible. All women are screwed, but especially the young ones. And don't say it won't happen, because no matter how much you try to empower your daughter, they are working to destroy women's rights.

  6. #6
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    These gross ghouls, she's not even cold yet.
    Gooble goble gooble goble one of us one of us. t(-_-)t

  7. #7
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    we are so fucked

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    Quote Originally Posted by raisedbywolves View Post
    It's because they've been waiting for this, and then they are going to put in the most anti women's rights and equality person they can. They are going to fuck over people like your daughter as much as possible. All women are screwed, but especially the young ones. And don't say it won't happen, because no matter how much you try to empower your daughter, they are working to destroy women's rights.
    I don't know enough about it to speak on who's fucked and who's not fucked just bcz this lady died. But my daughter, she's been a straight A student thru 12 years of school.....I was concerned wether or not she'd continue to excel in college. Yesterday I asked her how was she doing, she sent her grades.... so far.....4 A+'s and 1 B+. She's mos def focused and has career goals and wants to be rich one day. I don't care who they replace the old lady with but whoever it is won't have any impact on my daughters grades or her dream to be an architect, the only person who can affect that is her! Am I wrong?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Country Mac View Post
    we are so fucked
    Who's we?

  10. #10
    Senior Member of_corpse_not's Avatar
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    I never heard of it either
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    This is devastating as fuck

  11. #11
    Senior Member of_corpse_not's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by S281Saleen160 View Post
    I don't know enough about it to speak on who's fucked and who's not fucked just bcz this lady died. But my daughter, she's been a straight A student thru 12 years of school.....I was concerned wether or not she'd continue to excel in college. Yesterday I asked her how was she doing, she sent her grades.... so far.....4 A+'s and 1 B+. She's mos def focused and has career goals and wants to be rich one day. I don't care who they replace the old lady with but whoever it is won't have any impact on my daughters grades or her dream to be an architect, the only person who can affect that is her! Am I wrong?
    Are you serious?

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    Quote Originally Posted by of_corpse_not View Post
    Are you serious?
    Serious about what?

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    My daughter just started her freshman year @ ASU. Six weeks in she's doing well. Tomorrow I'll call her and tell her to pack her shit and come home bcz the judge died so that means her whole life is fucked so going forward from today people are going to fuck her over. I'll tell her that all of her rights will be taken away, bcz she's a woman.

    When she left for college I told her she can be whatever she wants to be, architect, dr, lawyer, president, auto mechanic, chef. Boy was I wrong, she'll be nothing now, bcz a judge died! Her life is now fucked, bcz she's a woman.

    Good grades and dreams mean nothing now, bcz the judge died.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by S281Saleen160 View Post
    My daughter just started her freshman year @ ASU. Six weeks in she's doing well. Tomorrow I'll call her and tell her to pack her shit and come home bcz the judge died so that means her whole life is fucked so going forward from today people are going to fuck her over. I'll tell her that all of her rights will be taken away, bcz she's a woman.

    When she left for college I told her she can be whatever she wants to be, architect, dr, lawyer, president, auto mechanic, chef. Boy was I wrong, she'll be nothing now, bcz a judge died! Her life is now fucked, bcz she's a woman.

    Good grades and dreams mean nothing now, bcz the judge died.

    It doesn't matter what kind of grades or accomplishments your daughter has/does, she will never be able to do what a man does, because that's how the Republicans and their inferiority complex want to keep it.

    I know that you think you can tell your daughter how to deal with it, or if she gets the top honors what we are saying doesn't matter, but that's not true. I couldn't be more highly skilled and credentialed, and time and again I have found out that men were promoted over me because they were men (literally told that and told that men have to be the head of the household and therefore need a promotion as opposed to a women) and that I was paid less than someone in a lower position than me just because I was a women. Oh, and until recently (and in some states this still stands) I could be fired for talking about my pay. Even in the government, where I worked for a decade and saw the payroll, pay grades that were supposed to be 'equal' almost never were. She will most likely encounter some type of sexual harassment in the workplace, and then if she reports it she will, at the very least, be doubted and ostracized, and possibly even be fired if she can't prove it happened. It's all just locker room talk and boys being boys, and women are just there to look at anyway, so she needs to know her place according to a lot of these men.

    BLM marches are happening, but in all truth Black men have more actual rights in our Constitutional system than women. They got the vote before women (of any color) and we're still waiting for the Equality Act to be passed, and now it probably never will be. It's perfectly legal to fuck your daughter over and pay her way less for way more work just because she has a pussy.

    Oh, and talking about fucking, these same assholes that are doing everything they can to stop the Equal Rights Act are also doing everything they can to stop reproductive rights. If they have their way, if someone rapes your daughter and she gets pregnant, she will be forced to carry that baby to term. If she accidentally gets pregnant and wants to make better choices for herself so that she can finish school and be healthy, and someday have a planned family...we'll too damn bad if they get their way and put the kind of extremist they want on the Supreme Court. If someday she is married and gets pregnant and finds out that something is wrong with the baby and wants to have an abortion, these Republican men say "fuck that dumb cunt, she's gonna have that baby, because that fetus matters more than her."

    If she has a baby and takes any kind of leave that will also be used as an excuse to not promote her or to pay her less.

    If your daughter wants to get her tubes tied, she's gotta have a man's permission (been there, got denied), but if her man wants to get a vasectomy it's none of her business (was literally told this when my husband got his, but of course I was 150% in support of him, but if I hadn't been...too damn bad).

    If your daughter gets sick with some rare women's based disease, she's probably out of luck, because most research money goes to men's diseases. If she needs birth control just to regulate her hormones (for something as innocent as acne, ovarian cysts, etc...not because she is committing the sin of having sex) they are doing everything they can to give insurance the right to discriminate against women in their health treatment.

    It not about some lady that died as you put it. This women was one of the last walls between us as a society (and this includes men because all men have a mother, and some have daughters, wifes, girlfriends, friends, etc) and the people that really want to take rights away from women. Hell, it's not just women she was protecting, but so many people. It's not even about her. If Justice Breyer died or left I would be saying a same thing, and news flash, he's a male.

    Before you go and show your ignorance on the subject, please try to educate yourself. No one fucking said your daughter can't go to college. No one said she can't have a career or dreams. But I will say that she is not equal to any male in the eyes of the the government, the president, and now the majority members of the Supreme Court and a whole lot of people nowadays in society. I don't want to talk about your daughter specifically, but if you're going to dismiss and belittle all of our concerns and what we've spent a lifetime encountering, then maybe it's the only thing you will understand, because this is going to affect her, whether you or she knows it or not, or are willing to admit it.

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    Quote Originally Posted by S281Saleen160 View Post
    Who's we?
    Umm, the American people? A conservative judge will most likely be replacing RBG, which completes the plan to repeal Roe v Wade and also put other conservative agenda items into action. Now, maybe that's a win for you, but many people do not see it that way. Including myself.

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    Quote Originally Posted by S281Saleen160 View Post
    Good grades and dreams mean nothing now, bcz the judge died.
    Good Lord get a grip. This isn't about your kid. No one cares.

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    Quote Originally Posted by raisedbywolves View Post
    It doesn't matter what kind of grades or accomplishments your daughter has/does, she will never be able to do what a man does, because that's how the Republicans and their inferiority complex want to keep it.

    I know that you think you can tell your daughter how to deal with it, or if she gets the top honors what we are saying doesn't matter, but that's not true. I couldn't be more highly skilled and credentialed, and time and again I have found out that men were promoted over me because they were men (literally told that and told that men have to be the head of the household and therefore need a promotion as opposed to a women) and that I was paid less than someone in a lower position than me just because I was a women. Oh, and until recently (and in some states this still stands) I could be fired for talking about my pay. Even in the government, where I worked for a decade and saw the payroll, pay grades that were supposed to be 'equal' almost never were. She will most likely encounter some type of sexual harassment in the workplace, and then if she reports it she will, at the very least, be doubted and ostracized, and possibly even be fired if she can't prove it happened. It's all just locker room talk and boys being boys, and women are just there to look at anyway, so she needs to know her place according to a lot of these men.

    BLM marches are happening, but in all truth Black men have more actual rights in our Constitutional system than women. They got the vote before women (of any color) and we're still waiting for the Equality Act to be passed, and now it probably never will be. It's perfectly legal to fuck your daughter over and pay her way less for way more work just because she has a pussy.

    Oh, and talking about fucking, these same assholes that are doing everything they can to stop the Equal Rights Act are also doing everything they can to stop reproductive rights. If they have their way, if someone rapes your daughter and she gets pregnant, she will be forced to carry that baby to term. If she accidentally gets pregnant and wants to make better choices for herself so that she can finish school and be healthy, and someday have a planned family...we'll too damn bad if they get their way and put the kind of extremist they want on the Supreme Court. If someday she is married and gets pregnant and finds out that something is wrong with the baby and wants to have an abortion, these Republican men say "fuck that dumb cunt, she's gonna have that baby, because that fetus matters more than her."

    If she has a baby and takes any kind of leave that will also be used as an excuse to not promote her or to pay her less.

    If your daughter wants to get her tubes tied, she's gotta have a man's permission (been there, got denied), but if her man wants to get a vasectomy it's none of her business (was literally told this when my husband got his, but of course I was 150% in support of him, but if I hadn't been...too damn bad).

    If your daughter gets sick with some rare women's based disease, she's probably out of luck, because most research money goes to men's diseases. If she needs birth control just to regulate her hormones (for something as innocent as acne, ovarian cysts, etc...not because she is committing the sin of having sex) they are doing everything they can to give insurance the right to discriminate against women in their health treatment.

    It not about some lady that died as you put it. This women was one of the last walls between us as a society (and this includes men because all men have a mother, and some have daughters, wifes, girlfriends, friends, etc) and the people that really want to take rights away from women. Hell, it's not just women she was protecting, but so many people. It's not even about her. If Justice Breyer died or left I would be saying a same thing, and news flash, he's a male.

    Before you go and show your ignorance on the subject, please try to educate yourself. No one fucking said your daughter can't go to college. No one said she can't have a career or dreams. But I will say that she is not equal to any male in the eyes of the the government, the president, and now the majority members of the Supreme Court and a whole lot of people nowadays in society. I don't want to talk about your daughter specifically, but if you're going to dismiss and belittle all of our concerns and what we've spent a lifetime encountering, then maybe it's the only thing you will understand, because this is going to affect her, whether you or she knows it or not, or are willing to admit it.
    She will never be able to do what a man does? Wow! Just WOW! There is no way I could tell her that, I would never tell any woman that, never! Women can do anything they want and sometimes even better than men.

    Accidentally pregnant? If you're fucking with no birth control and end up pregnant thats not an accident.

    All this stuff about work, pay, having babies etc., I've spoken here before about my job....I'm on a team of 12....11 of them are women, its great....most of them make more than I do, thats great. I have 3 bosses, all women, its great. I've been with the company 8 yrs and Over the years a few of them had babies, took leave, came back to their same position and pay, as a matter of fact Meg had a baby came back and got promoted. So what the hell are you talking about women get pregnant take leave and dont get their jobs back or get job back but less pay? Are you smoking something? LoL. I have never heard of a woman having a baby then going back to work to be told you had a baby and took off so now we'll pay you less. Lmfaooo.

    I know this isn't about my kid specifically but she is female so yes she can do whatever she wants to do and be better at it than some men!

    No diss to you but its 2020 not 1856. Just 4 years ago we had a woman running for president! But you just said women cannot do what men do so how was Hillary able to run for president if women cant do what men do?

    I refuse to believe just bcz the judge died women are fucked, I refuse to believe women will be thrown back to how it was in 1856. I also refuse to believe that you're crazy but your thoughts on this is crazy talk.

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    You sure do love your anecdotes.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Country Mac View Post
    Good Lord get a grip. This isn't about your kid. No one cares.
    If you dont care and do not wish to see my shit please use the ignore function this website provides. If you need assistance on setting up the ignore ask for help someone will assist you.

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    Quote Originally Posted by S281Saleen160 View Post
    If you dont care and do not wish to see my shit please use the ignore function this website provides. If you need assistance on setting up the ignore ask for help someone will assist you.
    Nah, I don't think I will. I'm not one to put my head in the sand. BTW, yes, as long as your child is living on a dying planet in a fascist country, her life is basically fucked.

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    Kamala Harris could be VP soon. Is anyone going to tell me she cannot do what Pence does bcz she's a woman? If she does win will she makes less than Pence? Is anyone going to tell me bcz the judge died Kamala is fucked?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Country Mac View Post
    Nah, I don't think I will. I'm not one to put my head in the sand. BTW, yes, as long as your child is living on a dying planet in a fascist country, her life is basically fucked.
    I disagree. My kid can do whatever she wants and her life is not fucked. Nope. You are crazy! Crazy lady Mac, you should change your mds name to Crazy_Lady_Mac.

    I LOVE the fact that you dont put your head in the sand. A fighter, I love and respect that! However, you cannot fight or argue or disagree better than me. Bcz, youre a woman :)

    See?, I'm learning. Men > Women. I'm learning.

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    That isn't what raisedbywolves was saying, and you know it. They are talking about how US conservatives feel about women. US conservatives probably do feel like Kamala will do a worse job because of her gender.

    RBG's death means so much more than women's rights, as well. If a conservative judge takes her place, things are about to get a whole lot worse for a lot of groups in the US. People who are immigrants, black and brown people, LGBT+ people, poor people, etc.

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    I disagree. My kid can do whatever she wants and her life is not fucked. Nope. You are crazy! Crazy lady Mac, you should change your mds name to Crazy_Lady_Mac.
    I can't believe you are old enough to breed. You sound 5 years old.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Country Mac View Post
    I can't believe you are old enough to breed. You sound 5 years old.
    My age has nothing to do with it, but as info I cant breed bcz I had prostate cancer and they removed my prostate. By the way, my surgeon was a woman! Yep, a woman dr and she's rich!

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