Quote Originally Posted by Boston Babe 73 View Post
I haven't done this yet. Mainly because I can't stand the PC version of the app and because it's just too convenient for me when I'm video calling family and friends on there

I should REALLY delete Twitter. It's such a cesspool on there, but part of me feels the responsibility to show the knuckledraggers that they aren't just in some echo chamber and that most of society knows that they're bottom feeders.
I have Twitter and Instagram, but I rarely use either. They're both on my phone.

I kept Facebook Messenger on there because that's how I get calls from some people. I just got fed up with Facebook and mostly myself for reading stupid, stupid comments about everything. Not just politics, but everything else, too - music, books, and all of that. I've found that it's a cesspool of people just shitting on each other and everything they don't like. I am so sick of that.