Quote Originally Posted by curiouscat View Post
Hi everyone! I have been lurking a bit. I check this site from time to time on my cell, but I don't know my password (it's autosaved on the computer) so I can't comment.
I just checked so I know my password. Yay!
Ethan and I have been surviving together.
I still have qualms about things like diapering and bathing. I hope I get better at it with time.
I've been breastfeeding, but I haven't been taking my medication. I'm afraid there might be side effects that can be passed onto Ethan. I haven't gotten a definite answer one way or another (from doctors) on what could potentially happen if I take medication while breastfeeding so I'd rather not risk it.
My husband went back to work for two weeks, but he's off this coming week so I'm so glad I have someone else to change diapers. My husband has started letting Ethan's butt air dry and yes, he has pooped on his daddy's arm. Lol!
This coronavirus is really scaring me! My husband is considered essential and he travels so I'm constantly on him about washing his hands.
I want to go to the store one last time to pick up supplies and then just stay away from everyone unless it's absolutely necessary.
Ethan and I have been staying home. I'm not too confident about how his head rests in his car seat so I just don't go anywhere.
I'll have to finish later. He just woke up.
I came back to finish while my husband changed Ethan's diaper, but I guess I don't have anything else to say.
I hope you all are doing well and staying safe during this craziness!