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Thread: Misogynistic bullshit!

  1. #126
    Senior Member KimTisha's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by raisedbywolves View Post
    Whoa, I would be super pissed. Anything the size of a softball is going to be painful because it's occupying space and pressing against things. My ovarian cysts hurt like a bitch, and they were the size of grapes.
    Quote Originally Posted by Angiebla View Post
    A softball size cyst has to hurt. There is no way it wouldn't.
    It only makes sense. My cyst is literally the size of my kidney, and to make matters worse, there are three cysts on that kidney. The second one is behind the first and much smaller, like the size of a golf ball, and the third is like a marble (at the bottom of the kidney). I had another MRI today: The kidney is totally misshapen, but functioning fine.

    Quote Originally Posted by raisedbywolves View Post
    I went though some issues 2 years ago where they kept referring me to several different doctors (ENT, neurologist, ortho) for dizzyness, and I ended up with 6 MRI's, and in the end it finally just stopped. I never got an answer. Dr. Google and I think it was a pinched nerve due in my neck due to my scoliosis and slipped disks, but none of the docs could agree on anything. I felt like they were just dismissing my complaints because it wasn't an obvious, easy answer.

    Can you just ask them to remove the cyst, even though it's "not painful"?
    Short answer, no - it would be unethical to conduct a needless operation (or so I've been told). Don't know how they get away with cosmetic surgery, maybe because insurance isn't usually involved? Their whole argument is one in four people have renal cysts and most people don't even know they have them because the cysts are harmless and asymptomatic (true); and it's not impairing my kidney function (I'm grateful). So basically, just live with it. This was from The Cleveland Clinic.

    Like you, RBW, I feel like my complaints are being dismissed - like they think I'm crazy or something. I don't know how anyone can look at that MRI and tell me that cyst is not the cause of my pain. Fuck, it LOOKS painful! It feels like someone has their fist jammed up under my rib cage. I can't eat more than a couple of bites at a time, I can't sleep on my right side, can't wear anything with a waistband, can't bend over, and there is a constant ache in my back and kidney, like a giant dull toothache. Two years now.

    Sorry for whining about this, but seriously, I'm at my wit's end and spending the day getting the MRI has my britches in a twist. Damned good thing I have a sunny disposition.
    Last edited by KimTisha; 06-28-2020 at 04:45 PM.
    You are talking to a woman who has laughed in the face of death, sneered at doom and chuckled at catastrophe.
    ...Collector of Chairs. Reader of Books. Hater of Nutmeg...

  2. #127
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    Note this was originally from Election 2020-get your popcorn ready! over Kanye West Except now there is some reaction here that Kanye West Rant over Harriet Tubman is viewed as not only racist but Sexist too given Tubman's history fighting for freeing the slaves and Tubman being abused in the process for fighting for equality.

    When Toni Fulton and her sister jumped in the car Sunday for a roughly two-hour road trip through South Carolina to attend Kanye West?s first campaign event since the rapper declared he was running for president earlier this month, neither could predict what would await them at the venue in North Charleston.

    But the last thing the Fultons expected was to find themselves angrily marching out of the event after being there for only 20 minutes.

    The cause of their sudden exit? West declaring onstage that famed abolitionist Harriet Tubman, who has been called ?the Moses of her people,? ?never actually freed the slaves.?

    ?She just had the slaves go work for other white people,? West said. Loud groans and unintelligible murmuring immediately erupted from the large crowd of several hundred people who had gathered at the Exquis Event Center. ?Come on, man,? a voice shouted out.

    Meanwhile, the Fulton sisters, who are black, decided they had seen enough. In a now-viral video capturing West?s comment, Toni Fulton made her exasperation with the Grammy Award-winning artist clear in a single statement. ?Yo, we leavin? right now,? she could be heard saying in the background of the short clip as it abruptly cut off.

    ?We?re young, black women and there weren?t a lot of us in the room,? Fulton, 30, told The Washington Post. ?We know better than to be in a space that we?re not uplifted in. While he was saying a lot of crazy things that didn?t directly offend us, that was offensive and it wasn?t appropriate for us to be there anymore.?

    West, who is trying to get on the ballot in South Carolina, spoke for about an hour during Sunday?s freewheeling campaign rally, bouncing between a variety of subjects ranging from abortion and religion to international trade. But his claim about Tubman swiftly became the most-talked-about moment from the event. Video clips circulated widely online, prompting critics and historians to share facts about Tubman?s storied legacy and urge West, who faced intense backlash in 2018 for saying 400 years of African American enslavement sounded ?like a choice,? to educate himself.
    By early Monday, ?Kanye? and Tubman?s name were still top trending terms on Twitter as social media exploded with reactions to his remarks, which one prominent Tubman scholar decried as ?completely irrational? in an interview with The Washington Post.

    ?There?s something about that little, petite, black woman, who did so much, that seems to bother him,? said Kate Clifford Larson, author of the 2003 biography ?Bound for the Promised Land: Harriet Tubman, Portrait of an American Hero.? Larson noted that West has referenced the abolitionist critically in past years.

    ?She put up with a lot of abuse her whole life,? Larson said of Tubman. ?She?s getting the attention and accolades that she deserves. Why tear her down now? It?s just ridiculous.?

    Representatives for West did not respond to requests for comment late Sunday.

    The renewed backlash over West?s interpretation of history comes as he is attempting to collect the 10,000 signatures needed by noon Monday to appear on the South Carolina ballot, the Associated Press reported. West, 43, announced July 4 on Twitter that he was mounting a long-shot bid for the presidency, even though the deadline to get his name on ballots in several states had already passed. Still, West recently managed to qualify for the general election ballot in Oklahoma ? and political experts have warned that it would be a mistake to ignore the hitmaker, citing the influence third-party candidates have had on past elections, The Post?s Helena Andrews-Dyer reported.
    ?People want to dismiss the irrational,? pollster Terrance Woodbury told Andrews-Dyer. ?It sounded irrational five years [ago] that Donald Trump would be president. It?s only crazy until someone pulls it off.?

    For Fulton, West?s fledgling presidential run bears marked similarities to President Trump?s 2016 campaign, and the Columbia, S.C., native told The Post on Sunday that she and her sister, both Democrats, felt the North Charleston rally ?just seemed like a moment that we shouldn?t miss.?

    ?She sent a text that said, ?Hey, do you want to see the circus??? Fulton said.

    It didn?t take Fulton long to determine that West?s rally wouldn?t be like any other standard campaign event. First, she said she noticed that the crowd was mostly young people and ?sneakerheads,? sporting their distinctive pricey footwear, while other attendees arrived wearing concert T-shirts.

    Perhaps, she thought, West would perform a few of his songs during his first official introduction as a presidential candidate. She anticipated that the event, albeit not a typical rally, would ?introduce the world to the professional, presidential side of Kanye West.?

    Instead, the rapper strode onstage a few minutes after 5 p.m. wearing a protective vest that had ?SECURITY? emblazoned across the front. ?2020? was shaved into his head.

    ?In this Black Lives Matter spirit, to have a militarized outfit was, I don?t know, read the room,? said Fulton, noting the protests over racism and police brutality that have consumed the nation for weeks. ?It was weird.?

    And things only proceeded to get weirder, according to live-streamed footage of the event.

    Speaking without a microphone, West brought members of the crowd onstage, appearing to use their thoughts on current events to drive the conversation. He addressed his past support of Trump and his days of wearing a Make America Great Again hat, acknowledging that it was a ?very, very hurtful moment? for fans. West went on to argue that ?Democrats ain?t did s--- for blacks? and disputed criticism that his candidacy would split black votes, calling the idea ?the most racist thing that?s ever been said out loud.?

    Then, he appeared to abruptly shift gears to Tubman. Ignoring the crowd?s audible reaction to his comments about Tubman?s efforts to free enslaved people, West segued into criticizing economic equality.

    ?National Basketball Association is not owned by any blacks. Universal Music is not owned by any blacks,? he said. ?Any celebrity that you see talking is not the real power because the real power ? you don?t see them.?

    But at that point, Fulton and her sister were already headed for the door.

    ?We just left,? she said. ?We didn?t want to be there any longer because it?s a joke. That?s what it felt like.?

    She described West?s comments as an attempt to ?totally take away everything that Harriet Tubman did? for African Americans, adding, ?I don?t even think I?ve heard white people say that.?

    On social media, the brief remark was met with similar criticism led by prominent black voices and historians.

    ?You, Mr. West are a jerk and not worthy of uttering Tubman?s name,? Larson, the Tubman scholar, tweeted. ?You have not freed anyone.?

    Civil rights attorney Benjamin Crump wrote in a tweet addressed to West that ?a Black history textbook is in the mail.?

    ?Read it, then learn to respect Harriet Tubman?s legacy,? Crump added.

    In a statement to The Post, Erica Armstrong Dunbar, a Rutgers University professor who specializes in African American women?s history, echoed calls for West to become better educated.

    ?Kanye West is in desperate need of a crash course in American History. His comments were erroneous and serve as a pathetic attempt to stimulate public attention,? Dunbar said, calling Tubman a ?hero.?

    Regarded as ?the most well-known of all the Underground Railroad?s ?conductors,?? Tubman made more than a dozen trips to the South over the course of a decade, escorting hundreds of enslaved people to freedom, according to PBS. During the Civil War, Tubman worked as a nurse and a scout for the Union, and became the first woman to lead an armed and successful military attack at the time, Dunbar told The Post. Later in her life, Tubman was also an advocate for women?s suffrage.
    There is now an ongoing effort to get Tubman on the $20 bill, in place of former president Andrew Jackson, who was an enslaver.

    ?Tubman was one of the most important social justice activists in our nation?s history and West?s words will never erase this fact,? Dunbar said. ?He?s a distraction and I suggest we move along and pay him no mind.?

    But though Brenda E. Stevenson, a professor of history and African American studies at the University of California at Los Angeles, agreed that West?s comments were ?woefully uninformed,? she stressed that his influence should not be entirely discounted.

    ?He?s a celebrity and he has a great following of young people in particular,? Stevenson told The Post. ?Some may be as uninformed as he is and believe that what he says is true, so that?s what?s disturbing to me.

    ?This country has a real problem with knowing African American history,? she continued. ?So when you have someone who has a great following say something that really is not based in fact, then it really distorts the history even more.?

    Instead, she urged people to do their own research.

    ?Question what you read on social media. Question it deeply,? she said, ?All the information is available to us, literally at our fingertips. All you have to do is Google Harriet Tubman, you will see.?

  3. #128
    Moderator raisedbywolves's Avatar
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    In line with what we have been talking about concerning how doctors treat women.

    These women's coronavirus symptoms never went away. Their doctors' willingness to help did.
    Last edited by raisedbywolves; 11-11-2022 at 07:01 PM.

  4. #129
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    RICHMOND, Va. (AP) — Jerry Falwell Jr. agreed Friday to take an indefinite leave of absence as the leader of Liberty University, one of the nation’s top evangelical Christian colleges, days after apologizing for a social media post that caused an uproar even among fellow conservatives.

    The private university in Lynchburg, Virginia, gave no reason for Falwell’s departure in a one-sentence announcement late Friday afternoon. But it came after Falwell’s apology earlier this week for a since-deleted photo he posted online that showed him with his pants unzipped, stomach exposed and his arm around a young woman in a similar pose.

    The statement said the Executive Committee of Liberty’s board of trustees, acting on behalf of the full board, met Friday and requested that Falwell take leave as president and chancellor, “to which he has agreed, effective immediately.”

    An early and high-profile supporter of President Donald Trump, Falwell has served since 2007 as president of the university founded by his evangelist father, the late Rev. Jerry Falwell.

    He did not immediately return a call seeking comment. University spokesman Scott Lamb said he had no further comment.

    In an interview this week with Lynchburg radio station WLNI, Falwell said the woman in the photo was his wife’s assistant and that the picture had been taken during a “costume party” while on vacation.

    “Lots of good friends visited us on the yacht,” the caption of the photo said, in part. “I promise that’s just black water in my glass. It was a prop only.”

    He said the woman — who also had her midriff exposed — was pregnant, couldn’t get her pants zipped and he imitated her, saying it was all in “good fun.”

    “I’ve apologized to everybody, and I’ve promised my kids ... I’m going to try to be a good boy from here on out,” he said in the interview.

    On Thursday, Republican U.S. Rep. Mark Walker of North Carolina, a pastor who has previously taught at Liberty, called Falwell’s behavior “appalling” and said he should resign.

    In addition to Walker, some pastors who graduated from Liberty spoke out earlier this week calling for a change in leadership at the school. Mark Davis, a Texas-based pastor, tweeted that “the name of Christ and the reputation of Liberty will continue to be dishonored” without action against Falwell by the board. Colby Garman, a pastor who has served on the executive board of the Southern Baptist Convention of Virginia, tweeted on Monday that it was “bewildering” to see Falwell maintain the board of trustees’ support. He responded to Friday’s news with appreciation.

    “How is this Jerry Falwell Jr. photo even real?” tweeted conservative TV personality Meghan McCain, daughter of the late U.S. Sen. John McCain. “Also if you’re running the largest Christian university in America maybe don’t put photos of yourself on social media with your pants undone on a yacht — with random women in bad wigs. So gross, so hypocritical.”

    The late Falwell founded Liberty in 1971 with just 154 students. Under the leadership of Falwell Jr., who is an attorney and not a minister, Liberty has grown into a leading evangelical university, with an immaculate campus and a significant endowment. Students must follow a strict code of conduct that includes modest dress and a ban on alcohol consumption.

    In recent years, Liberty has served as a regular speaking spot for ambitious Republicans looking to court the young evangelical vote. U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz kicked off a presidential campaign there in 2015.

    Falwell was among the earliest Christian conservatives to endorse Trump’s previous election campaign. In late 2016 he told The Associated Press that Trump had offered him the job of education secretary but that he turned it down for personal reasons.

    The vacation photo was the most recent in a string of controversies Falwell has faced in recent years, in both his role at Liberty and his personal life.

    Last year, he settled a federal lawsuit in Florida over a real estate venture that involved a young Miami pool attendant, a case that drew national attention.

    He more recently sparred with Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam and local officials in Lynchburg over his handling of coronavirus restrictions. He also faced stinging criticism from a group of Black alumni who said he should step down after he mocked Virginia’s mask-wearing requirement in a tweet by invoking a blackface scandal that engulfed Northam last year. He later apologized.

  5. #130
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    Jerry Falwell Jr is such a piece of shit. He reminds me of Trump Jr.

  6. #131
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    Democratic women leaders call out sexist news coverage of female vice presidential candidates
    Last edited by raisedbywolves; 11-11-2022 at 07:02 PM.

  7. #132
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    Why Trump keeps calling women 'nasty'

    Donald Trump has a "nasty" problem

    Of course, such gendered insults would rarely, if ever, be applied to men. Manne wrote one way to identify misogyny is to contemplate whether men in comparable positions would get the same treatment. Many people mistakenly think misogyny involves hating all women, but "misogynists can love their mothers," wrote Manne. "Not to mention their sisters, daughters, wives, girlfriends, and secretaries ...They need not hate women universally, or even very generally. They tend to hate women who are outspoken, among other things."
    Last edited by raisedbywolves; 11-11-2022 at 07:03 PM.

  8. #133
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    A GOP congressman once lamented not being able to call women 'sluts' anymore
    Last edited by raisedbywolves; 11-11-2022 at 07:11 PM.

  9. #134
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    UNITED NATIONS -- A new report estimates that 29 million women and girls are victims of modern slavery, exploited by practices including forced labor, forced marriage, debt-bondage and domestic servitude.

    Grace Forrest, co-founder of the Walk Free anti-slavery organization, said Friday that means one in every 130 women and girls is living in modern slavery today, more than the population of Australia.

    "The reality is that there are more people living in slavery today than any other time in human history," she told a U.N. news conference.

    Walk Free defines modern slavery "as the systematic removal of a person's freedom, where one person is exploited by another for personal or financial gain," she said.

    Forrest said the global estimate of one in 130 women and girls living in modern slavery was made based on work by Walk Free, the International Labor Organization and the International Organization for Migration, both U.N. agencies..

    "What this report has shown is that gender stacks the odds against girls from conception throughout their lives," she said.

    According to the report, titled "Stacked Odds," women account for 99% of all victims of forced sexual exploitation, 84% of all victims of forced marriage, and 58% of all victims of forced labor.

    Forrest said the face of modern slavery "has radically changed."

    "We're seeing normalized exploitation in our economy in transnational supply chains and also in migration pathways," she said. "The world's most vulnerable people have been pushed even further into this practice of modern slavery because of COVID-19."

    She said the estimate of women and girls in modern slavery is conservative because it doesn't account for what's happened during the pandemic, which has seen "sharp increases of forced and child marriage and exploited work conditions around the world."

    Forrest said Walk Free and the U.N.'s Every Woman Every Child program are launching a global campaign to demand action to eliminate modern slavery.

    The campaign urges an end to child and forced marriage, which 136 countries have yet to criminalize.

    It urges the elimination of legalized systems of exploitation such as kefala, which legally binds a migrant worker's immigration status to an employer or sponsor for their contract period.

    The campaign also urges transparency and accountability for multinationals.

    "We know that women and girls are experiencing unprecedented levels of exploitation and forced labor in supply chains of the goods we buy and use every day - clothing, coffee, techncology," Forest said.

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    FAYETTEVILLE, Ark. — Arkansas Women's Basketball Coach Mike Neighbors took to social media Wednesday (Oct. 14) to speak out against derogatory comments made against female athletes following remarks made on one of his player's tweets by a Fort Smith radio host.

    "As a women's basketball coach and a father, I am disgusted over how one of my players has been objectified. Women in sports face this type of unfair, misogynistic treatment far too often, and as their coach, and as a man, I condemn the words and actions of anyone who thinks women are not equal to men. Young women all over the world do amazing things every day. The young women on my team, and young women everywhere, deserve to be treated with respect and dignity. And as long as I am around, I will always advocate for this fair treatment," Mike Neighbors said on Twitter.

    His comments are in response to a tweet sent out by redshirt freshman Erynn Barnum. She posted a picture of herself sitting on an announcement table at Bud Walton Arena.

    A radio host for KMAG 99.1 in Fort Smith named Darren Miner, known as Maverick on-air, commented on the tweet with, "Now they just need to install a pole."

    Credit: KFSM
    Maverick sent another set of tweets later apologizing for what he said.

    Credit: KFSM
    5NEWS spoke with Clyde Bass, iHeartMedia Area President, who said that as soon as iHeart became aware of the comment, they knew it was unacceptable and addressed the matter internally. Bass also said the Darren Miner (Maverick) no longer works for KMAG 99.1.

    Director of Athletics at the University of Arkansas Hunter Yuracheck chimed in to show his support for coach Neighbors' comments.

  11. #136
    Moderator raisedbywolves's Avatar
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    Hey JL, misogyny isn't just sexual assault of anyone. Misogyny is to do with women being affected by the behaviour:

    So find somewhere else to post the sexual assault of men threads that you have been posting in here recently. I will move the post about the Los Angeles police officer and bodyguard for Mayor Garcetti to 'Bad Cops'.

  12. #137
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    U.S. joins global anti-abortion pact as Polish women march to protest clampdown-Signatories of the Geneva Consensus Declaration pledge to work together to "reaffirm that there is no international right to abortion."
    Last edited by raisedbywolves; 11-11-2022 at 07:06 PM.

  13. #138
    What do you care? Boston Babe 73's Avatar
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    Of course. Such bullshit.
    Quote Originally Posted by Nic B View Post
    That is too pretty to be shoved up an ass.
    Quote Originally Posted by Nic B View Post
    You can take those Fleets and shove them up your ass

  14. #139
    Cousin Greg Angiebla's Avatar
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    I feel terrible for woman in Poland right now.

    You can't even get an abortion if you have an unviable pregnancy.

    "The love for all living creatures is the most noble attribute of man" -Charles Darwin

    Quote Originally Posted by bowieluva View Post
    Chelsea, if you are a ghost and reading mds, I command you to walk into the light.

  15. #140
    Moderator raisedbywolves's Avatar
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    So all the women on the plane were forced to undergo pelvic exams on the tarmac, and couldn't say no.

    Qatar Airways: Women on flight received 'inappropriate' treatment after abandoned baby found at Doha Airport
    Last edited by raisedbywolves; 11-11-2022 at 07:06 PM.

  16. #141
    Cousin Greg Angiebla's Avatar
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    That is super fucked up. I would not agree to a pelvic exam. That would have to have a warrant or something to exam me. Fuck that noise.

    I hope they wouldnt do that in the US, but who am I kidding?

    All that invasion of privacy and they probably never found the mother.

    "The love for all living creatures is the most noble attribute of man" -Charles Darwin

    Quote Originally Posted by bowieluva View Post
    Chelsea, if you are a ghost and reading mds, I command you to walk into the light.

  17. #142
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    Amy Coney Barrett's Supreme Court confirmation jeopardizes more than abortion-The threat to birth control — and in vitro fertilization — is increasingly plausible, especially in an America without Roe v. Wade.
    Last edited by raisedbywolves; 11-11-2022 at 07:06 PM.

  18. #143
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    Quote Originally Posted by Angiebla View Post
    That is super fucked up. I would not agree to a pelvic exam. That would have to have a warrant or something to exam me. Fuck that noise.

    I hope they wouldnt do that in the US, but who am I kidding?

    All that invasion of privacy and they probably never found the mother.
    I don't think they gave them a choice. This article says the inspections were done 'forcibly'.

    Qatar faces scrutiny after women 'forcibly examined'
    Last edited by raisedbywolves; 11-11-2022 at 07:07 PM.

  19. #144
    What do you care? Boston Babe 73's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nic B View Post
    That is too pretty to be shoved up an ass.
    Quote Originally Posted by Nic B View Post
    You can take those Fleets and shove them up your ass

  20. #145
    Scoopski Potatoes Nic B's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Boston Babe 73 View Post
    I posted that a while ago! Love it.

    Quote Originally Posted by marakisses View Post
    yes i said i will leave it under you storage he said cuddle with me i said shut up it over??? what am i doing wrong??
    Quote Originally Posted by curiouscat View Post
    Happy Birthday! I hid a dead body in your backyard to celebrate. Good luck finding it under the cement. You can only use a stick to look for it.

  21. #146
    What do you care? Boston Babe 73's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nic B View Post
    I posted that a while ago! Love it.
    Yeah, but the comments on the original post will make you vomit.
    Quote Originally Posted by Nic B View Post
    That is too pretty to be shoved up an ass.
    Quote Originally Posted by Nic B View Post
    You can take those Fleets and shove them up your ass

  22. #147
    Scoopski Potatoes Nic B's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Boston Babe 73 View Post
    Yeah, but the comments on the original post will make you vomit.
    Ugh, I can only imagine.

    Quote Originally Posted by marakisses View Post
    yes i said i will leave it under you storage he said cuddle with me i said shut up it over??? what am i doing wrong??
    Quote Originally Posted by curiouscat View Post
    Happy Birthday! I hid a dead body in your backyard to celebrate. Good luck finding it under the cement. You can only use a stick to look for it.

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    SOUTHFIELD, Mich. (FOX 2) - An Eastern Michigan professor is accused of sending unwanted pictures of his penis to a former student plus another graphic email asking her to perform an act for him.

    Former student Destinee Hayes has filed a notice of a plan to sue EMU for sexism and racial discrimination for the alleged emails from the 65-year-old professor.

    According to Hayes, in June of this year, she emailed the professor for a letter of recommendation. On Aug. 22, she said she received several unwanted responses from his university email account.

    Hayes said one of the emails was a picture of his penis and another said “show me your p*** baby."

    Hayes said she immediately reported to the Title IX Coordinator for EMU but, as of Dec. 8, 2020, the coordinator has not responded to her regarding an investigation. She said the professor is still employed by EMU.

    Hayes hired attorney Detroit attorneys Maurice Davis and Jasmin Rand to represent her in the lawsuit. She said she's planning legal action to protect other women and doesn't believe she's the only e one he's sent images like this to.

    “I hired my attorneys to fight for me and the other women that this professor has most likely victimized. I do not believe that this is the first time he sent a student pornographic images. I am extremely disappointed in my alma mater Eastern Michigan University for not firing him. I refuse to remain silent while this man is still employed and left to victimize other women," Hayes said in a statement.

    Davis and Rand said EMU's lack of action in failing to fire the professor defies logic

    "EMU has all of the evidence it needs to fire the professor: email communications sent over their own email server, which leads us to believe that structural racism and sexism is at play. EMU’s failure to fire the professor ratifies his misconduct and proliferates the pandemic of structural racism and sexism plaguing our nation that gave rise to the #metoo and #BlackLivesMatter movements," they said in a statement.

    Both attorneys say that this is not the first time the professor has sent pornographic images to a student and are asking other women to step up and join Hayes in the suit.

  24. #149
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    'Under the rug:' Sexual misconduct shakes FBI's senior ranks
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  25. #150
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    Survey Finds That Pandemic Has Exacerbated Sexual Harassment of Tipped Workers
    “He asked me to take my mask off so they could see my face and decide how much to tip me”

    by Jaya Saxena Dec 1, 2020, 1:23pm EST
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    Waitresses with a mask and gloves disinfecting the table of an outdoor bar, caf? or restaurant with blonde girls at the table
    A new report from One Fair Wage outlines the unsafe and unfair treatment of tipped service workers during the pandemic, and as is unfortunately expected, the current state of affairs is bleak as hell. The survey of 1,675 tipped service workers in New York, New Jersey, Illinois, Pennsylvania, Massachusetts, and Washington D.C. reveals that workers are worried for their health and safety as restaurants refuse to follow COVID-19 guidelines and customers ignore mask protocols.

    Some of the most appalling revelations from the survey are regarding sexual harassment. About 250 workers reported a massive uptick in sexual comments from customers, “a substantial portion of which were requests from male customers that female service workers remove their mask so that they could judge their looks, and, implicitly, determine their tips on that basis.”

    One Fair Wage reports tips overall have declined through the pandemic, making the dynamic between a customer and a tipped worker even more fraught. Nearly 65 percent of workers report customers docking tips if they are asked to adhere to public health protocols, and that they are “even more vulnerable to have to tolerate harassment that is now compounded with a threat to their physical safety, even life.” Over a quarter of those surveyed said they’ve witnessed a rise in sexual comments and harassments from customers, and 43 percent of women surveyed reported they had experienced it themselves.

    “[A male customer] asked me to take my mask off so they could see my face and decide how much to tip me,” said one worker surveyed. Women were also accused of being rude and inhospitable if they refused to remove their masks, or asked customers to wear them, and often received even more harassment for attempting to protect themselves and others.

    The ethos of “the customer is always right” often places tipped workers in the uncomfortable and unfair position of enduring abuse from customers in order to make a living wage. In 2014, the Restaurant Opportunities Center United called sexual harassment, from both customers and fellow employees, “endemic to the restaurant industry.” In its report, 80 percent of female restaurant workers reported experiencing sexual harassment from customers at some point.

    Niko Prytula, a nonbinary server in Virginia, told Eater in June that they endured misgendering from guests, “because I don’t want to get in an argument with some elderly person when it’s literally a matter of my income.” That’s because, as they described, “your income depends on whether or not guests find you palatable, or performing the right way, or, god help you, attractive.” And with the pandemic raging and restaurants around the country on the brink of closure, some managers and owners are even less likely to stand up for their workers. Nobody wants to lose customers at a time like this.

    The reports of sexual harassment are, of course, on top of the other horrific details of the survey. 44 percent of respondents said someone at their restaurant contracted COVID, 31 percent say they interact with over 30 unmasked people during their shift, and only 31 percent say their employers consistently follow COVID safety protocols. And “should a worker contract COVID-19 while employed by a restaurant, only a little over one quarter of workers, 28 percent, would be offered paid time off by their employers.”

    President-elect Joe Biden has made a $15 federal minimum wage, and the elimination of a tipped minimum wage, part of his platform. While $15 an hour is still not a “living wage” in many states, it would at least mean that workers had less pressure to tolerate abuse for the sake of a paycheck. As One Fair Wage puts it, “Paying workers a full minimum wage would empower them to enforce safety protocols on customers and to reject sexual harassment and the life-threatening demands on women to remove their masks for the sexual pleasure of customers.”
    Quote Originally Posted by Boston Babe 73 View Post
    I don't have a thousand dollars hanging around to buy a fart in a jar lol.

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