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Thread: Alex Jones of Infowars accused of Racial and Sexual Harassment

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    Alex Jones of Infowars accused of Racial and Sexual Harassment

    This sort of stuff has been expected from Jones since last year after the Pizzagate Scandal and Chobani Lawsuits threaten to expose him for being deranged.

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    Here are updates.

    Former staffers at controversial conspiracy theory website InfoWars claim founder Alex Jones laughed as they endured frequent racist harassment and once groped a female employee, according to a new report.

    Rob Jacobson, who is Jewish, and Ashley Beckford, who is black, both filed complaints with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission earlier this month outlining the abuse they allegedly suffered working under Jones and other colleagues, documents published by the Daily Mail reveals.

    Beckford, a production assistant and presenter, said she lasted less than a year at the website, during which time Jones allegedly groped her butt while saying, “Who wouldn’t want a black wife?”

    He also wandered around shirtless while “leering” at female employees and guests, she claims.

    One colleague called her a “c-on,” another kept referring to black people as “colored” on air — despite Beckford’s objections — while a third flaunted a pair of swastika-covered sneakers he received from a fan, she claims.

    She also says she was pressured to engage with Hillary Clinton supporters on camera — who subjected her to “racial slurs” and called her an “Uncle Tom.”

    Beckford says she was ultimately fired after demanding the same pay as her white, male colleagues.

    Meanwhile, Jacobson, a video editor, claims he was mocked for being Jewish and that Jones also nicknamed him “Beefcake” — a reference, he says, to gay porn.

    “My employer used racial slurs against me, calling me ‘The Resident Jew,’ ‘The Jewish Individual,’ and ‘Yacobson.’ My workplace was a syndicated radio show, so these slurs were made publicly, on air,” he writes in his complaint.

    “My employer also inserted my face onto the photo of a Hasidic Jewish man and circulated that picture around the office.”

    When KKK leader David Duke came on InfoWars as a guest, Jones introduced Jacobson as his “Jewish employee” while Duke called him “the Jewish individual” — a nickname other colleagues adopted, he says.

    Jacobson believes he was fired as an act of retaliation for complaining to HR.

    Jones denied most of the allegations to the Daily Mail as “completely, totally false” — but acknowledged that Duke called Jacobson a “Jewish individual.”

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  4. #4
    What do you care? Boston Babe 73's Avatar
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    He's a lunatic.
    Quote Originally Posted by Nic B View Post
    That is too pretty to be shoved up an ass.
    Quote Originally Posted by Nic B View Post
    You can take those Fleets and shove them up your ass

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    Jones and Harassment Scandals were expected ever since Jones said he may have done stuff to 150 women to be a man. If Jones was telling the truth that meant that he has more victims than Harvey Weinstein, Bill Cosby, and all other celebrities that's been named in the me too scandal.

    But in an Alex Jones Scandal infowars will cover up this harassment scandal with some other scandal they created.

  6. #6
    Senior Citizen Nomad's Avatar
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    And in other news, water is wet.

    The guy's a Class A jagoff. None of this surprises me.
    "A vagabond dreamer, a rhymer and singer of songs
    Singing to no one and nowhere to really belong." - Waylon Jennings

  7. #7
    Senior Member PeaceBeWithMe's Avatar
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    He's so unbearably gross.

    Quote Originally Posted by marshmallow View Post
    did you make her into a wallet Bill? cuz if you did I'm off team Bill.

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    (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧ Amy1217's Avatar
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    Dude tries to act like he's just an actor but look at him. He's 110% nuts. It's just too natural and his eyes are certified crazy.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Amy1217 View Post
    Dude tries to act like he's just an actor but look at him. He's 110% nuts. It's just too natural and his eyes are certified crazy.

    Damn here we go again I expect this supposed birther conspiracy to come into play again and even longer than when Obama was president. Apparently the birther conspiracy that "Alex Jones is Bill Hicks" has been around longer since 2006 in this article and resurfaced again when Alex Jones came up with the "Performance artist" card last year.

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    Update Alex Jones is named in a lawsuit but this time Pepe the frog's owners suing Jones. Damn right when the Harassment scandals were going to be discussed here this happens.

    Matt Furie says his "peaceful frog-dude" was co-opted in a poster featuring Pepe alongside InfoWars founder Alex Jones, President Donald Trump, Milo Yiannopoulos and others.

    The legal campaign to take Pepe the Frog back from the alt-right is now in California federal court as artist Matt Furie has filed a copyright lawsuit against InfoWars.

    Furie says he created Pepe as a "peaceful frog-dude" at the beginning of the century with the catchphrase "Feels good man." His anthropomorphic creation then became a meme on the internet, and was tweeted by Katy Perry, Nicki Minaj and Buzzfeed, among others.

    "But beginning in 2015, various fringe groups connected with the alt-right attempted to co-opt Pepe by mixing images of Pepe with images of hate, including white supremacist language and symbols, Nazi symbols, and other offensive imagery," states the complaint lodged in court Monday. "Furie has worked hard to counteract that negative image of Pepe, including collaborating with the Anti-Defamation League on the #SavePepe campaign to restore Pepe as a character representing peace, togetherness, and fun."

    The lawsuit pinpoints one poster in particular as a source of copyright infringement. The poster features Pepe alongside InfoWars founder Alex Jones, President Donald Trump, Milo Yiannopoulos, Ann Coulter, Matt Drudge, Roger Stone and others with the text "MAGA," short for Trump's campaign slogan, "Make America Great Again."

    Furie, represented by attorney Rebecca Girolamo at Wilmer Cutler, says he didn't authorize such use of Pepe. He alleges the poster is being sold by InfoWars in its online store.

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    Update Alex Jones is sued for spreading conspiracy theories on Charlottesville.

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    Update Alex Jones is sued for the Sandy Hook rants

    On multiple occasions, Jones has claimed that the Sandy Hook attack did not actually happen, calling the massacre – which claimed the lives of 20 first-graders and six teachers – a "giant hoax" and insisting that it was staged by professional actors. A representative for InfoWars, Jones' media company, did not immediately reply to a request for comment.

    "Our clients have been tormented for five years by Mr. Jones' ghoulish accusations that they are actors who faked their children's deaths as part of a fraud on the American people," Mark Bankston, an attorney for the plaintiffs, told The Hollywood Reporter. "Enough is enough."

    Both lawsuits focus on statements that Jones made relatively recently, including a 2017 segment on his radio show entitled "Sandy Hook Vampires Exposed." The New York Times reports that the lawsuits allege, "[Jones'] statements were a continuation and elaboration of a years-long campaign to falsely attack the honesty of the Sandy Hook parents, casting them as participants in a ghastly conspiracy and cover-up."

  13. #13
    What do you care? Boston Babe 73's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by raisedbywolves View Post

    After being sued, Alex Jones suddenly believes Sandy Hook actually happened
    It's so he can get them on the show. He's such a shit weasel.
    Quote Originally Posted by Nic B View Post
    That is too pretty to be shoved up an ass.
    Quote Originally Posted by Nic B View Post
    You can take those Fleets and shove them up your ass

  14. #14
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    At this point, wouldn't it be easier to list the things he's not being sued for. Human piece of garbage.

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    Quote Originally Posted by BugBug View Post
    At this point, wouldn't it be easier to list the things he's not being sued for. Human piece of garbage.

    Same with Donald Trump's cabinet you can say the exact same stuff. But its insane that Alex Jones has more scandals than even Fox News, people on the me too list, Sinclair.

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    I just don't want to catch him in bed with a goblin!

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    Quote Originally Posted by Jumaki15 View Post
    I just don't want to catch him in bed with a goblin!

    Well apparently Alex Jones is connected to Satanic cheerleaders.

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    An update on Jones

    Losing a child in a horrific event like the December 2012 Sandy Hook School shooting causes unimaginable grief and suffering. Add to that pain the incessant rantings of conspiracy theorists, who claim the entire scenario was staged to promote a gun-control agenda, and the incident becomes farcical, surreal, unbearable.

    Three Sandy Hook parents — Neil Hesslin, Leonard Pozner, and Veronique De La Rosa — said enough is enough and sued talk-show host Alex Jones last week for defamation, alleging he called them “crisis actors” and incited “death threats” against them.

    Hesslin filed one lawsuit, while Pozner and De La Rosa filed another. The suits, each seeking $1 million, were filed in Texas because Infowars, Jones’ infamous media company, is located there.

    In July, Alex Jones appeared with Megan Kelly on national TV in an NBC interview defending the variety of conspiracy theories he espouses, including Sandy Hook. Local NBC affiliate WVIT decided not to air the interview “because the wounds caused by the Sandy Hook tragedy are ‘understandably still so raw’.”

    Pozner, in a Hartford Courant op-ed days before the interview, condemned NBC for the publicity it afforded Jones: “The narrative alleges that the 26 victims and their parents, the police and first responders, and the majority of the town were actually crisis actors on the government’s payroll. This, despite the widespread availability of legitimate information to the contrary. Jones and his fellow ‘hoaxers’ have up until now spread this thoroughly debunked theory in the darkest corners of the media, shamelessly exploiting a tragedy to make a quick buck. Now, to the dismay of rational society, Jones landed the mainstream media interview of a lifetime.”

    And hence, the lawsuit nine months later. As Ponzer noted, “tens of thousands are flocking to charismatic con men like Jones, with cultish reverence and conviction. With the aid of media platforms such as alternative talk radio, YouTube, Google, Facebook, and Twitter, scores more are being reached and indoctrinated into the cult of delusional lunacy every day.”

    Indeed, it’s a self-perpetuating system.

    University of North Carolina professor Zeynep Tujekci explained that “algorithms push YouTube viewers toward ever-more-intense content. If you keep clicking on videos about running, you’ll eventually get ultramarathons. Similarly, if you like Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton videos, algorithms will push you toward more extreme content on the right and left.”

    This environment has enabled extremists like Alex Jones to flourish. At that same time, it’s an environment that finds the traditional news media floundering.

    According to a Monmouth University poll released earlier this month, “Large majorities of the American public believe that traditional media outlets engage in reporting fake news and that outside sources are actively trying to plant fake stories in the mainstream media.”

    Specifically, “More than three in four Americans believe that traditional major TV and newspaper media outlets report ‘fake news’.” For 65% of Americans, “fake news” is not limited to “false or counterfeit” material “reported in a newspaper or news periodical or on a newscast” — the standard dictionary definition. For them, “fake news” also means “how news outlets make editorial decisions about what they choose to report.”

    Said Patrick Murray, director of the Monmouth University poll: “These findings are troubling, no matter how you define ‘fake news.’ Confidence in an independent fourth estate is a cornerstone of a healthy democracy. Ours appears to be headed for the intensive care unit.”

    The situation is of particular concern with national news. Fortunately, Connecticut is still served capably by “legacy media” outlets at the state and local level, most notably daily newspapers. The state has 10 daily newspapers with circulations of at least 15,000 within a total of 15 dailies overall. Not bad for a state of 3.5 million people.

    In addition, Connecticut boasts at least seven news websites registered with LION (Local Independent Online News Publishers) — including CT News Junkie — that provide original reporting. Other regions of the country should be so lucky. The midsection of the country has been hit particularly hard by dying newspapers, resulting in “news deserts,” as a quick look at this map reveals.

    So while news events in Connecticut are covered thoroughly by Connecticut news outlets, when those events become national news — like Sandy Hook — the coverage outside of the state is uneven, opening the door for media hucksters like Alex Jones.

    The lawsuits filed by Hesslin, Pozner, and De La Rosa against Infowars, therefore, is long overdue. Here’s hoping the Sandy Hook parents win, putting a major dent in the bogus and reckless efforts of charlatans like Alex Jones.

    Barth Keck is an English teacher and assistant football coach who teaches courses in journalism, media literacy, and AP English Language & Composition at Haddam-Killingworth High School. Email Barth here

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    Quote Originally Posted by KambingSociety View Post

    Well apparently Alex Jones is connected to Satanic cheerleaders.
    Aren't all of them satanic?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Jumaki15 View Post
    Aren't all of them satanic?
    Well Satanic-------> is gotta be some sort of code word for slut by Jones??

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    Update on Jones

    . Alex Jones will expand his digital TV and radio program to offer 24-hour live coverage, the InfoWars host announced on his show Monday.

    “We’re real news, not fake news, like the controlled corporate media. People are hungry for it,” Jones told TheWrap on Monday. “Attempts to destroy InfoWars or any other media permutation will fail … to quote V for Vendetta. Ideas are bullet proof,” he added.

    The right-wing commentator and conspiracy theorist — most famous for suggesting the 2012 Sandy Hook massacre was a hoax — told viewers that he was looking to hire at least 15 people.

    “We are launching our biggest recruitment and hiring operation ever in our 23-year-history as we prepare to go 24-hour a day live on TV and radio from the InfoWars news center here in Austin, Texas,” said Jones in his announcement. “We’re looking to hire around 15 people, maybe even more, as we take the information war to the next level in the face of the globalists.”

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    Update 6 More families sue Alex Jones for the Sandy Hook Rants.

    The families of six victims of the 2012 massacre at Sandy Hook Elementary School along with an FBI agent who was among the first to respond to the shooting sued InfoWars’ founder Alex Jones and several of his businesses on Wednesday, alleging the radio personality had defamed them by repeatedly claiming that the shooting was a hoax.

    The new lawsuit, filed in Superior Court in Bridgeport, Connecticut, comes on the heels of two defamation suits filed in Texas last month by two other Sandy Hook families.

    Jones, who could not be reached for comment, responded to the Texas lawsuits on his show last month, acknowledging that he believes the massacre “really happened,” but that the families were being used by the Democratic Party.

    The complaints from all eight families allege that Jones used his internet and radio platforms to push the conspiracy theory that the shooting, in which a gunman killed 20 first-graders and six adults at the school in Newtown, Connecticut, was a staged event. The lawsuits claim that Jones’ false narratives have brought him attention and money, while the families have suffered deep personal pain as well as abuse from fans of Jones.

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    Update now an FBI Agent has filed a lawsuit against Alex Jones over the Sandy Hook rants.

    Six more families of the Sandy Hook Elementary School massacre victims sued right-wing radio host and conspiracy theorist Alex Jones for alleged defamation Wednesday for claiming the shooting was a hoax and the relatives are paid actors.

    An FBI agent who responded to the shooting joined the families as a plaintiff in the lawsuit filed in Bridgeport Superior Court in Connecticut. The families of two other victims filed similar defamation lawsuits against Jones last month in Travis County, Texas, where his media company, Infowars, is based.

    A gunman killed 20 first-graders and six educators at the Newtown, Connecticut, school on Dec. 14, 2012. The families say Jones' comments have tormented them and subjected them to harassment and death threats by his followers.

    "He knew his claims were false but he made them anyway to further a simple but pathetic goal: to make money by tearing away at the families' pain," said Josh Koskoff, a lawyer for the families. "This lawsuit seeks to hold Alex Jones and his financial network accountable for those disgraceful actions."

    Jones did not immediately respond to a message seeking comment Wednesday.

    The lawsuit seeks monetary and punitive damages, attorney fees and other costs. It does not say exactly how much money the families are seeking.

    After the first two lawsuits were filed last month, Jones responded in a YouTube video, saying that the families are being used by the Democratic Party and the news media and that he believes Sandy Hook "really happened." He also invited parents who lost their children to his show to have a "real discussion" about guns, and said believes the lawsuits will be thrown out.

    The plaintiffs include the parents of four children killed at the school — Daniel Barden, Dylan Hockley, Ben Wheeler and Avielle Richman. Also suing are relatives of two slain educators — school Principal Dawn Hochsprung and first-grade teacher Victoria Soto. FBI agent William Aldenberg, one of the first responders to the scene, also is a plaintiff.

    Also named as defendants is Wolfgang Halbig, who the families say is a frequent guest on Jones' show who also questions whether the school shooting actually happened.

    Halbig, 71, a former police officer who lives in Sorrento, Florida, said Wednesday that he does believe people died in the shooting, but authorities have refused to answer his questions. He said police won't give him a copy of radio transmissions from a state police helicopter that responded to the shooting, won't say why paramedics and emergency medical technicians weren't allowed in the school and won't say who pronounced the deaths of all the children.

    In separate lawsuits filed last month in Texas, the parents of slain children Jesse Lewis and Noah Pozner sued Jones seeking more than $1 million in damages for alleged defamation.

    The lawsuit filed Wednesday cites actions by Jones' followers.

    It mentions Edgar Maddison, a North Carolina man sentenced to prison for shooting up a Washington, D.C., pizza restaurant in 2016, believing a conspiracy theory that prominent Democrats were harboring child sex slaves there. The lawsuit says Maddison had watched an Infowars video about the "pizzagate" conspiracy theory.

    The lawsuit also cites the case of a Florida woman, Lucy Richards, who believed the shooting was a hoax and was sentenced to prison last year for threatening the father of one of the slain children.

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