Quote Originally Posted by Boston Babe 73 View Post
We've contacted the building inspector, but unfortunately it would end with us hanging to move out and trying to find a place that we can afford and accepts small dogs on short notice is pretty much impossible.

We've been putting away money and paying off credit cards so we should be prepared to pay out the nose (begrudgingly) in the New Year. Once we're out, she's seriously screwed. We're going to nail her to the wall.

Point is, that there are tens of thousands of people like us and it's absolutely no surprise that what happened in Oakland happened. What's worse? Living in a potential death trap? Or on the streets? Because there's literally no other options.

ETA: and not being racist here, but we will NEVER rent from a Chinese landlord again. Ever.
Well I hope that your landlord gets what she deserves & y'all get out of that situation safe & sound. It is very sad that there are so many others like you & your family who are left with such few options. So very sad what happened in Oakland. The victims seemed to be such amazing & creative people & it breaks my heart. This should have never happened. Nothing good comes from making a buck from someone else's misfortune or desperation.