Hey guys,
I was hoping to possibly plan a DFW and surrounding area MDS meetup in mid/late July. I know there are a good bit of us and it would be rad to hang out with y'all in person! I live in the very middle of the metroplex but it looks like the majority of you guys live in Dallas/North of Dallas? So for location, I don't mind going that way. Or if people that are more Fort Worth side want to chime in, we can have a Dallas-Fort Worth location duel. I think a cool venue that is relatively quiet (not a concert or crazy loud band place) so we can actually communicate. Oh, and alcohol, let's go somewhere with good booze! So let me know what sounds good as far as dates and places go. I'll be away at Comic-Con until July 13th so anytime after that will probably work for me!

So tl;dr, if you live in the Metroplex tell me when and where you can get schwasty faced with the rest of us.