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Thread: Israel Keyes- Most Meticulous Serial Killer of Modern Times Is Taunting the FBI from Beyond the Grave

  1. #26
    Senior Member Metis212's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bellaboo View Post
    Another similarity between Keyes and Arias was that both were overly concerned about their reputations and expressed those concerns to law enforcement during their interviews.
    Keyes did not want to be known as a serial killer per the agents who were on hln earlier. Arias obsessed about her reputation in her multiple police interview tapes. Part of the psyche of narcissistic psychopaths?
    Part of the cluster b personality disorders are that symptoms overlap. So narcissism is part of the symptom complex for borderlines and anti-socials.

  2. #27
    Senior Member Metis212's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Angiebla View Post
    Yes he was an evil SOB, I would be freaked out that someone murdered people that close to me. I would also feel guilty for not knowing and trying to stop him.
    I didnt know him! I just saw the police digging in his yard.

  3. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by Metis212 View Post
    I didnt know him! I just saw the police digging in his yard.
    I think it would be more likely to send me to somewhere just like this! And racking my brain to see if there was something I did see and did not recognize for what it was, if I had run into any of the young guys who ended up below that house. It would be eerie but in a way that made me curious more than afraid I think

    I feel badly for the families who are never going to get closure because Israel Keyes took his victims names to the grave with him. Watching the timeline of how he crossed the country back and forth, listening to how he picked someone at random in one state, then dumped them in another, his "murder caches" buried in random locations, where do LE start?
    It will be random if anything is found and no way to really tie it back to him.

  4. #29
    Administrator Olivia's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Metis212 View Post
    Havent ever seen an ugly serial killer. Would you help an ugly gnome-like person?
    - Australia's most famous serial killer.

  5. #30
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    This is probably a little of topic, but when I first heard of him abducting the girl from Alaska, I felt so bad for her family. Now reports have come out that this guy lived for approximately 6 or 7 years, only 45 minutes from me in Washington State. I am originally from Texas, so when my family would visit I would take them out to Neah Bay for the Cape Flattery hike (beautiful by the way). I think it's just creepy that I could have possibly run into him at some point.

  6. #31
    Senior Member zeebee's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dianalyn View Post
    I think it would be more likely to send me to somewhere just like this!
    Same here. I work down the street from where the Baseline killer lived. I drove by the spot where one of his victims was found when they were working the scene. It was creepy, but it was creepier before he was caught because there were several crime scenes within about a mile radius, so I already suspected that the killer lived somewhere around there.
    "...Jeffrey Dahmer... actually confessed and accepted his punishment. Had real remorse for the sick things he did. It's pretty bad when Jeffrey Dahmer is a better person than you are." ~Justice11 (re: Jodi Arias)

  7. #32
    senior cunt emmieslost's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Metis212 View Post
    I lived across the street from John Wayne Gacy. I used to go to the bar that he often went too. He liked men so I was safe. My college boyfriend found one of his victims floating in the desplaines river. I remember when they dug up his entire yard.
    my mom and uncle used to leave near JWG and walked by his house on the way to school. that was back when he lived in waterloo, ia.

  8. #33
    Administrator Olivia's Avatar
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    I'm watching Killer Profile about Keyes on the crime channel now. I had no idea he had a wife and child.

  9. #34
    Senior Member queenaevadamthng's Avatar
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    Fred and Rosemary West were rather homely too.

    "Theoretical physics can prove that an elephant can hang from a cliff with its tail tied to a daisy. But use your eyes, your common sense".... JIM GARRISON

  10. #35
    Senior Member u2addict's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by queenaevadamthng View Post
    Fred and Rosemary West were rather homely too.
    OMG, smugly.
    Have you seen Appropriate Adult? Years ago I read a true crime book about them, cannot remember the name.

    Fibro Fog has taken over. I am in a constant state of dyscognition so please excuse my retardation.
    'The worst things in the world are justified by belief'- Raised by Wolves SOI

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  11. #36
    Senior Member bermstalker's Avatar
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    I was reading some stuff about the Long Island Serial killer and I noticed that their facebook page linked to this FBI notice. Seems like a few people think Israel may be possible.

    After Israel Keyes was arrested for the murder of 18-year-old Samantha Koenig in Alaska in 2012, authorities realized that the man they had in custody was a prolific serial killer. Keyes freely admitted as much.

    During conversations with investigators, the 34-year-old sometime construction worker revealed the names of two additional victims?along with tantalizing clues about other murders he had committed around the country over a period of years. But last December, Keyes killed himself in his Anchorage jail cell, leaving a trail of unanswered questions and unidentified victims.

    Those victims have not been forgotten, however. Today we are releasing new information in the hopes that the public can help us identify others who died by Keyes? hands. The information includes extensive videotaped conversations with Keyes in jail and an interactive map that contains a detailed timeline of his known movements beginning in 1997.

    ?He gave us a number of clues,? said Special Agent Jolene Goeden in our Anchorage Division. ?He talked openly about some of the homicides, but much of what he said only hinted at the things he had done. So we are trying to get information out there about what he did tell us. We are letting the public know the types of cars he rented, towns he visited, campgrounds he frequented. Anything that might spur someone?s memory could help us,? Goeden said.

    Apart from Koenig, who was abducted from the Anchorage coffee stand where she worked, and Bill and Lorraine Currier, a middle-aged married couple who were murdered in 2011 in Vermont, Keyes discussed ?seven or eight other victims,? Goeden said. ?We want to identify them.?

    Investigators believe that Keyes killed and buried a victim in upstate New York in April 2009. ?He also told us about a couple in Washington state, another victim in that area, and possibly others in surrounding states,? Goeden said.

    FBI agents are working with law enforcement around the country to link Keyes to open cases. ?If we have a missing person identified in a particular area, we work closely with that local police department to either connect the person to Keyes or not,? Goeden explained. ?We have his DNA.?

    It?s a painstaking process, made more complicated because Keyes was meticulous about covering his tracks. In the Currier case, for example, he flew from Alaska to Chicago, rented a car, and drove 1,000 miles to Vermont, where he searched for victims. He chose the Curriers at random.

    Keyes also left ?murder kits? in various locations around the country that contained, among other items, weapons and cash?the money came from bank robberies he committed to support his criminal activities. The caches provided further cover because Keyes didn?t have to risk boarding an airplane with a weapon or using credit cards that could later connect him to a crime in a particular area.

    ?Although he chose many of his victims randomly, a tremendous amount of planning went into these crimes,? Goeden said. ?Keyes enjoyed what he did, and he had no remorse at all. He told us if he hadn?t been caught, he would have continued kidnapping and murdering people.?

    We need your help. If the videos or map regarding Israel Keyes? movements spark any memories, or if you have any information regarding Keyes, please contact your local FBI office or submit a tip online.

    ?That fact that Keyes is dead makes it more difficult for us,? Goeden said, ?but the investigation absolutely continues.?

  12. #37
    Senior Member KimTisha's Avatar
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    I finally watched this episode last night. I don't know how I missed knowing about this one. Although I knew of Keyes (via the Samantha Koenig case) and remember hearing/reading that he was a suspected serial killer, I didn't really follow the reports at the time. He is positively terrifying, a 21st century Ted Bundy.
    You are talking to a woman who has laughed in the face of death, sneered at doom and chuckled at catastrophe.
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  13. #38
    Senior Member KimTisha's Avatar
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    Good article.

    Quote Originally Posted by raisedbywolves View Post
    Seriously though, this guy fascinates me. His dedication to the methodology was CRAZY! Who devotes that much time to planning ahead and going through all the different maneuvers to cover where he went. I almost wonder if he wanted to get caught, because he did so much to not get caught...and then he used Samantha's ATM card.
    Watching that Dateline Episode, I commented aloud that this guy would make an amazing soldier. Sure 'nuff....

    Quote Originally Posted by raisedbywolves View Post
    WS has an old thread on him where they talk about a robbery down in Florida (Palm Beach maybe...I can't remember) and the suspect image looks just like him. I really wonder if he has a lot more victims than they are thinking.
    I remember the mall murder/abduction and when it came out that they didn't believe Jane Doe. Not only does the perp LOOK like him, he ACTS like him (tactics/techniques/procedures)! Wow, kudos on that connection. I would think it would be easy enough for the FBI to figure out if Keyes ever spent time in Florida; and Lord knows this state is littered with the unsolved murders of hundreds of women. Keyes was in the military (or fresh out of it) in 2007/2008, wasn't he? Couldn't Jane Doe identify Keyes from photos? I think he'd be easy to ID.

    In the Dateline episode he said since the birth of his own child he wouldn't mess with children, and for some reason I believe him. Joey Bocchiccio was only 7yo when she was murdered in 2008(?). When was Keyes first child born?

    I don't think the Gorenberg (?) case is related to the Doe Abduction or the Bocchiccio murders.

    Now I want to see the interview tapes. It's sad that he killed himself only from the perspective that his brain can be examined after he's dead; but it's his mind that really needs to be studied. He's a fascinating creature, that's for sure.
    You are talking to a woman who has laughed in the face of death, sneered at doom and chuckled at catastrophe.
    ...Collector of Chairs. Reader of Books. Hater of Nutmeg...

  14. #39
    Senior Member queenaevadamthng's Avatar
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    Reading back, I don't see why the big stink over him killing himself. One less turd in the gene pool. He was yanking investigators chain. All they were doing was feeding his narcissistic need for attention by conducting these interviews. He probably gave them a lot of half truths. Not telling what all he was responsible for. True justice for killers like this would be to brick them up in a room with nothing but themselves. Maybe a hidden camera to study them until they die. But then again, dicks like this would know they were being watched so no data compiled would be accurate. Just hole 'em up and mark them off the list.

    "Theoretical physics can prove that an elephant can hang from a cliff with its tail tied to a daisy. But use your eyes, your common sense".... JIM GARRISON

  15. #40
    Senior Member KimTisha's Avatar
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    Aha! From the link you posted, RBW:

    Israel Keyes was described as a model citizen while he lived in Neah Bay between 2001-2007, fathering a girl, working for the Makah tribe and being a productive part of this tribal community.
    So he became a father before, or right around, the time the murders took place in Boca.
    You are talking to a woman who has laughed in the face of death, sneered at doom and chuckled at catastrophe.
    ...Collector of Chairs. Reader of Books. Hater of Nutmeg...

  16. #41
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    I just found this podcast and it's super interesting. He's attempting to try to find the other victims of Israel Keyes.

  17. #42
    What do you care? Boston Babe 73's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by raisedbywolves View Post
    I just found this podcast and it's super interesting. He's attempting to try to find the other victims of Israel Keyes.
    I'll check it out
    Quote Originally Posted by Nic B View Post
    That is too pretty to be shoved up an ass.
    Quote Originally Posted by Nic B View Post
    You can take those Fleets and shove them up your ass

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