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Thread: Molly Young (21) was found shot to death in ex-boyfriend's apartment

  1. #26
    Moderator bowieluva's Avatar
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    This case is like

  2. #27
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    it's small town southern Illinois. Carbondale PD would handle at most, maybe, 6 murders a year.

    Minton's father and mother are both LEO, including the father being a computer expert. There is some thought amongst the skeptics of this case that any further investigation is being short circuited by the fear that the father could tamper with DA's offices/investigating agency computers.

  3. #28
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    can't wait to read the article tomorrow. maybe i'll pick up a paper on lunch tonight at work.

  4. #29
    Moderator nestlequikie's Avatar
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    Oh, man, Portia. I bet Molly's family is devastated.
    I hope that when the world comes to an end, I can breathe a sigh of relief, because there will be so much to look forward to. - Donnie Darko

  5. #30
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    i haven't seen anything posted by her dad yet, concerning this decision. the last thing he posted on the Justice For Molly page was:

    Larry Young
    According to Illinois State Police reports Richie Minton would NOT consent to DNA testing, blood samples, urine samples, or fingernail clippings. Also, he would NOT consent to a search of his apartment, his cell phone, or his vehicle. Although Wesley Romack did consent to a search of his and Richie's apartment, Molly was left to lay in Richie's bedroom floor for 7 hours after the 911 call until search warrants were signed. My family and I find this extremely disgusting and sickening!!
    and that was almost a day ago.

  6. #31
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    letters to the editor that the carbondale times have received.
    Letters: Readers respond to Molly Young coverage
    Submitted by Carbondale Times on Thu, 07/25/2013 - 16:06

    The Times has received plenty of reader feedback in response to recent stories published regarding the 2012 death of Molly Young. The following letters were printed in the newspaper between July 17 and 24.

    Young case is hurting Carbondale's image

    Dear Editor,

    I am writing this letter in disgust. I am here in Reno, Nev., and I hear about this pathetic police cover-up involving Molly Young. Once you start to read all of the facts, it?s a disgrace that nothing has been done.

    The media has a responsibility here if the law enforcement officials are going to hide the truth. As the media, your responsibility is to expose the truth and then let the heads roll. The first head to go should be the chief of police and then every other accomplice and accessory to this.

    The city of Carbondale?s image takes a hit when this kind of archaic police activity occurs. Come on, Carbondale, make something happen in the name of justice! ?John Brill, Reno, Nev.

    Justice must be done in Young death

    Dear Editor,

    A couple of weeks ago I spoke with you on the phone concerning the investigation into the death of Molly Young.

    Thank you for your persistence. So far you seem to be about the only one, other than myself and naturally her friends and family, that seems to care about the final reason, and who or what was the ultimate cause of her death.

    However, in the July 10-16 article (?Fresh scratches raised questions in Young?s death?), it was a bit refreshing to find out that there is at least one other ISP master sergeant that brought new light to the investigation. Or was it old light that had been suppressed or perhaps evidence that had been overlooked by the first responders, initial local police investigators, etc.?

    As a concerned citizen, now older and much wiser, I find the facts that have been made public only now raising more and more questions and doubts to the concerned public about the whole investigation.

    CPD allowed Richie Minton allowed Minton to wash his hands. Later the same day, two CPD sergeants went to the locker room to collect Minton?s clothing. Why are the two scratches on Minton?s body just below his armpit just becoming more of a bigger issue? What?s that about?

    In a separate ISP report, Minton says the scratches must have gotten there while giving CPR to Ms. Young. Really? The master sergeant?s reply: I can?t believe that one. And now the findings of three DNA profiles under Ms. Young?s fingernail clippings ? a predominant Y-STR haplotype matching Minton?s Y-STR haplotype. What?s this about? And in June, State?s Attorney Carr couldn?t comment on any aspects of the case. Wow!

    Now to the coroner?s report, undetermined due to lack of evidence ? evidence that could have possibly washed away. And has any of us ever been arrested, allowed to wash off and change? And of course, no fingerprints on the gun.

    Please, ISP: Stick with this until justice is done to those who might deserve any justice. There are way too many holes in this. I rest my case. ?Paul Meacham, Carbondale

    Thanks for Molly Young coverage

    Dear Editor,

    I?d like to state that I think Geoffrey Ritter has done a remarkable and professional job in reporting on the Molly Young case. He has continuously given factual information, and has attempted to be honest and as unbiased as one can possibly be, given the obvious errors that have been made by authorities.

    First of all, the death was deliberately classified as a suicide, long before the coroner?s jury ever met to determine the exact cause of death. It was referred to as an overdose. No gunpowder residue was found on her hands, which were bagged at the scene. Close friends and family have repeatedly said that Molly was dealing with the breakup between her and her ex-boyfriend, and was looking forward to upcoming events, including an appointment to get a lotus flower tattoo done by the father of one of her best friends. Molly was of slight build and had no experience whatsoever with firearms. Yet, we are expected to believe that as a right-handed person, she inflicted a gunshot wound on the top left side of her head in a downward trajectory. No shots were heard by her ex-boyfriend, when her body was inches away from the bed where he supposedly lay sleeping. No prints were on the gun. Yes, that?s right folks; no prints of anyone were on the gun! How convenient!

    Molly?s parents were the last to know of their daughter?s death, but the ex-boyfriend had his parents present, and a lawyer by the time Molly?s parents arrived. Both of his parents have associations with area police departments, and the father is a certified forensic computer specialist. The ex-boyfriend was allowed to wash his hands and change his clothes, and by the time he was ready to submit to testing, of course there was nothing to find. Again, how convenient! Officials at first denied that this was true, but later reports uncovered by the Carbondale Times revealed that the hand washing did occur prior to evidence taking. Isn?t it a shame that it takes the filing of a Freedom of Information Act request to get to the truth, when the police knew this all the time? The ex-boyfriend has never submitted to an interview with officials, who claim to be trying to get to the facts of the case. Really?

    Because of the initial report of this being a suicide, the media has been almost totally out of the picture. Only the Carbondale Times has tried to do the right thing by reporting the true facts of this case. Ritter was the one to report that the ex-boyfriend had two six inch, fresh scratches below his right arm pit. As the ex-boyfriend undressed at the police station, these marks were referred to and he replied that he must have gotten them trying to give Molly CPR. Really? Even this was a stretch of the imagination for the police. DNA evidence, not revealed at the coroner?s inquest, indicates that the ex-boyfriend?s DNA was present under Molly?s fingernails. Where are the area news sources now, when there is plenty of evidence to report? Again, only the Carbondale Times is on the scene, using the power of the Freedom of Information Act to get to the truth.

    Just recently Molly?s father, stepmother and uncle were interviewed at length by Monica Zukas on the WGGH radio show ?Reality Check with Monica Zukas.? This can be accessed by going to

    Without the hard work of Ritter, Zukas and countless interested friends, family and citizens of Southern Illinois interested in justice, Molly?s death would be just another forgotten page in the annals of inept police work, and nepotism behind the blue wall. Molly?s family would be left to live a life without their precious daughter, knowing in their hearts and minds that justice is not being served. All the family wants is the truth, so we are left to wonder what the state?s attorney is waiting for, and why the police have been reluctant to do their jobs.

    Thank you Geoffrey Ritter and the Carbondale Times. ?Becky Gray-Clay, Johnston City

  7. #32
    Senior Member SuchAClassicGirl's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by J a d e View Post
    i agree that text is strange. Unless they are the best of friends, why pick the roommate?
    To make it all believable. He texts from her phone to roommate so roommate instantly believes that's what happened
    Last edited by SuchAClassicGirl; 08-03-2013 at 06:04 PM.
    Quote Originally Posted by blighted star
    I was about to be annoyed that this thread was still active, but I see now it's morphed into offers of sex for chilli confectionary, so carry on guys :)

  8. #33
    Junior Member shomrig's Avatar
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    From Richie's Facebook page.

    Richie Minton

    July 18 near Carbondale, IL

    Almost 2 years ago when I used to go to the laundrymat Molly Young drew an amazing vulture with a humans body on this chair with a sharpie while we waited on my laundry to get done. The next time we came in someone had cut her drawing off and took it home. I went back there today and found the same chair. I wish more people remembered her this way. A smart caring beautiful person with an amazing talent at art. I keep from defending myself in the hope that she gets even a moment of peace in her rest. One side is dead set on her being remembered as a victim of murder and will do anything to put themselves in the public eye because of it. The other side wants her remembered for who she was and the memories she left. I don't care what people think of me. I care about what they think of her. I always will. The people she hated the most are the ones begging for people's sympathy. I can't stop that. But regardless how you think of me, think of her as what she was. A strong beautiful girl who lived a life harder than most of us could imagine. I still pray that she rests in peace, even tho the world seems intent on keeping her from it.

  9. #34
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    yeah, i know. I was basically agreeing that it seems like a set up. It wouldn't make a lot of sense if Molly sent that. Why would SHE pick the roommate of all people :) i too think she was murderd

  10. #35
    Cousin Greg Angiebla's Avatar
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    If she shot herself she would have gun shot residue on her hand. I'm pretty sure she wouldn't decide to kill herself in someone else's bed at a random hour of the night. I don't consider texts and journal entries hardcore proof of her suicide. Her bf could have killed her and then sent those texts from her phone.

    The fact that the bf lied in his initial call to 911, the scratch marks he had, and the fact he admitted to being extremely drunk makes me think he is guilty as hell. That being said, I hope her parents sue the fuck out if the police department.

    "The love for all living creatures is the most noble attribute of man" -Charles Darwin

    Quote Originally Posted by bowieluva View Post
    Chelsea, if you are a ghost and reading mds, I command you to walk into the light.

  11. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by J a d e View Post
    yeah, i know. I was basically agreeing that it seems like a set up. It wouldn't make a lot of sense if Molly sent that. Why would SHE pick the roommate of all people :) i too think she was murderd
    Yep...a little TOO fabricated. Another example of system fail
    Quote Originally Posted by blighted star
    I was about to be annoyed that this thread was still active, but I see now it's morphed into offers of sex for chilli confectionary, so carry on guys :)

  12. #37
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    i am assuming Molly's dad, Larry, is getting this information from the ISP investigation files.

    Larry Young
    Richie's phone would not communicate with the UFED device used by the ISP or the FBI to extract records that may have been deleted such as texts,data and phone call logs. Molly's phone had been set to GMT time which is 5 hours different than CST. In other words it appears someone tampered with the phones.

  13. #38
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    Larry Young
    Richie's phone would not communicate with the UFED device used by the ISP or the FBI to extract records that may have been deleted such as texts,data and phone call logs. Molly's phone had been set to GMT time which is 5 hours different than CST. In other words it appears someone tampered with the phones.
    It always amazes me when people go to great lengths to create a switching the time zone on her phone THEN sending a text ...but fuck themselves by FORGETTING to set it back correctly.
    Quote Originally Posted by blighted star
    I was about to be annoyed that this thread was still active, but I see now it's morphed into offers of sex for chilli confectionary, so carry on guys :)

  14. #39
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    another post from Larry today:

    Larry Young
    The Illinois State Police arrived at the Carbondale police station at around 10:00 AM March 24, 2012. Richie Minton REFUSED to sign a consent form for the ISP to search his apartment. . At approximately 4:09 PM March 24, 2012 the search warrant was finally obtained to enter Richie Minton's apartment. I have always questioned WHY it took 7 hours to obtain search warrants and WHY Richie Minton would let Molly lay dead on his bedroom floor and refuse to let ISP enter for 7 hours after the 911 call was made at 9:02 AM. I believe this is as cold hearted as a human being can get!!!

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    Carr: Evidence not sufficient in Young case
    Submitted by Carbondale Times on Sun, 08/04/2013 - 10:37

    Geoffrey Ritter
    Weekend Times

    CARBONDALE ? The investigation into the 2012 death of Molly Young is now over, according to the Illinois State Police, and there will be no forthcoming criminal charges.

    Responding to a Freedom of Information Act request, ISP Lt. Steve Lyddon said requested information regarding the investigation into Young?s death previously had been denied but now would be granted due to the changed status of the case.

    ?The State?s Attorney from Jackson County has now determined that no charges will be filed and the case is closed,? Lyddon wrote.

    Jackson County State?s Attorney Michael Carr clarified that in a statement to the Times this week.

    ?I have reviewed the evidence in the Molly Young case and have consulted over the past months with the family of Molly Young, the investigators from the Illinois State Police and the lawyers in my office,? Carr said. ?In deciding whether to bring a criminal charge, my role as State?s Attorney is to determine whether there is sufficient admissible evidence to convince 12 out of 12 people, beyond a reasonable doubt, that a criminal offense has been committed.

    ?I do not close investigations. The admissible evidence available to me through the State Police investigation was publicly disclosed, for the most part, through sworn testimony by State Police officers at the coroner?s inquest months ago. Based upon my review of the evidence at this point, the investigation presented to me has not resulted in sufficient evidence to support a criminal prosecution. I have expressed to both the Illinois State Police and to the family of Molly Young previously that should additional evidence become available, I will consider it.?

    The case has drawn a high profile since Young, then 21, was found dead in March 2012 from a bullet wound to her head in the bedroom of her on-and-off boyfriend, Richie Minton.

    Minton, a dispatcher for the Carbondale Police Department at the time of the incident and at present, told first responders that morning that he slept through the gunshot. Minton and his roommate first reported Young?s death several hours later in a 911 call initially identifying the death as the result of an overdose.

    Investigators were unable to identify any fingerprints on the .45-caliber pistol belonging to Minton that fired the shot, and they found no signs of gunshot residue on the hands of Minton or Young. ISP records say that Carbondale Police, the first responders to the scene, allowed Minton to change his clothes and wash his hands before going to the police department for questioning. Police that morning also found a pair of fresh scratches on Minton?s back, which he said he must have gotten while administering CPR to Young.

    In January, a coroner?s jury heard evidence from ISP, as well as a detailed account of Young?s journals and an undated suicide letter. Investigators also discussed a series of text messages sent from Young?s phone in the hours preceding her death detailing attempts to overdose on pills, including one indicating she planned to shoot herself in the head. Toxicology showed no abnormal levels of drugs in her system, and the jury ultimately ruled the nature of her death undetermined due to a lack of evidence.

    Minton?s attorney and his mother and father, a longtime employee of the Franklin County Sheriff?s Office, arrived at the police station that morning before ISP investigators. Since that morning, Minton has declined to be interviewed by ISP investigators, and he also has declined to comment following past requests by the Times. However, in a public Facebook post last month, he addressed growing questions surrounding the circumstances of Young?s death.

    ?I keep from defending myself in the hope that she gets even a moment of peace in her rest,? Minton wrote. ?One side is dead set on her being remembered as a victim of murder and will do anything to put themselves in the public eye because of it. The other side wants her remembered for who she was and the memories she left. I don?t care what people think of me. I care about what they think of her. The people she hated the most are the ones begging for people?s sympathy.?

    In recent weeks, a Facebook group called ?Justice For Molly? has grown to include almost 13,000 members, many of them joining on the heels of two radio programs broadcast on the AM radio station WGGH and news reports regarding Minton?s hand washing and scratches. The closed group allows members to add their Facebook friends.

    Young?s father, Larry Young, says he remains convinced his daughter?s death was not the result of suicide, and the group first organized by his family last year is now orchestrating a distribution of yard signs, bracelets, T-shirts and other items aimed at raising awareness of Young?s story. Members also are planning protests and billboard displays and are reaching out to national media outlets.

    Larry Young says he will continue to fight for answers he says his family never received following his daughter?s death.

    ?I am not seeking justice because I want to,? Young said. ?I am seeking justice because I have to. Molly won?t rest in peace until her family and friends rest in peace. Injustice to one is injustice to all.?

  16. #41
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    I really get the feeling this dude got away with murder.

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    WSIL's video concerning no charges

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    Disclosure News article from today, i can't paste it here. Kind of interesting read w/pictures of Richie's "support group" - Just Us For Richie. Which apparently is his mom, dad and sister.

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    KMOV News 4 in St. Louis has picked up the story.

  21. #46
    Moderator nestlequikie's Avatar
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    Woot! I am glad that they decided to run with her story. It has SO MANY inconsistencies.
    I hope that when the world comes to an end, I can breathe a sigh of relief, because there will be so much to look forward to. - Donnie Darko

  22. #47
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    lol, busted with the phone thing. He's smarter than me tho. i don't even know how to change the time zone on my phone. But sucks to be him, he went to that trouble then fucked it up with such a stupid mistake.

  23. #48
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    Video at link.
    Father hints at police cover-up after lengthy investigation into daughter's death

    Posted on August 5, 2013 at 10:56 PM

    Updated today at 7:31 AM

    (KMOV)- A father hints at a police cover-up after his daughter died under mysterious circumstances in Carbondale.

    Illinois State Police say they are investigating the death of Molly Young, 21, and have yet to determine if it was a murder or a suicide.

    Young's father, Larry, said the evidence doesn't point to suicide and state investigators have ignored the only man with her at the time of her death who is an employee with the local police department.

    "I've spent every waking hour trying to find out what's going on," said Young.

    His daughter died from a single gunshot wound to the top of her head. She was found dead in her ex-boyfriend's apartment. He is a civilian employee at the Carbondale Police Department.

    "I always say missteps and cover-ups are twins. They look alike but perform different functions. Cover-up is a big word, yes, and I'm not saying it until I prove what I see," Young said.

    He says he is seeing virtually no movement on the case in over a year since Illinois State Police picked up the local case.

    Young learned the gun used in his daughter's death had not prints on it and there may have been a lengthy delay in calling 911.

    It was also initially reported as an overdose death.

    "There is no doubt in my mind somebody murdered my daughter. There's one person, the main suspect, he refuses to be interviewed by state police since it began," Young added.

    Illinois State Police refused to make an on-camera statement. Larry Young has turned to Facebook to post a $5,000 reward as he keeps searching for justice for his daughter, Molly.

    That was a pretty short and sweet news piece. I'm not complaining, at least a St. Louis station picked it up.
    Last edited by portia; 08-06-2013 at 04:54 AM. Reason: ????'s

  24. #49
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    Way to protect your own Carbondale.

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    New article at the SI this morning!
    Young's family not ready to close case

    Family and friends of Molly Young gathered Sunday in Carbondale to remember the life of 21-year-old Molly Young. Young died March 24, 2012 from a single gunshot wound in Carbondale. (Stephen Rickerl / The Southern)

    8 hours ago - BY NICK MARIANO, The Southern
    (1) Comments

    Larry Young believes the now closed case of his 21-year-old daughter's death was short changed by what he claims was an incomplete investigation into what happened the morning of March 24 last year.

    According to a July 15 letter from Illinois State Police legal counsel sent to Young, the case of Molly Young's death is now closed.

    "The state's attorney from Jackson County has now determined that no charges will be filed and the case is closed," wrote Sgt. Kerry Sutton in the letter.

    Molly was found dead with a gunshot wound to the head in the apartment of her ex-boyfriend, Carbondale police dispatcher Richie Minton.

    It is not clear from the letter who decided to close the case, but Jackson County State's Attorney Michael Carr said in an announcement this week he does not close investigations. He said he would consider further evidence once and if it comes forward.

    Carr announced that he will not be pursuing criminal charges in connection with Molly's death because of a lack of evidence. Based on a statement from Carr's office, any admissible evidence he has came from a state police investigation that was disclosed in testimony at a coroner's inquest in late January.

    That jury for the inquest could not determine whether the nature of the death was accidental, a homicide or suicide.

    "Based upon my review of the evidence at this point, the investigation presented to me has not resulted in sufficient evidence to support criminal prosecution," Carr said in a prepared statement.

    Carr would not comment beyond the statement.

    Some testimony focused on text messages and a journal belonging to Molly that mention suicide, but other evidence presented might have contributed to the jury's undetermined ruling.

    That evidence included no fingerprints found on the gun, a .45-caliber pistol owned by Minton, according to investigators. Gun-shot residue evidence was inconclusive. And the right-handed Young was shot above the ear on the left side of her head.

    Larry Young is upset with the Carr's decision and said he learned of it through the media. He questions how a decision could be reached on evidence at a coroner's inquest that produced a ruling of undetermined nature of death. He also maintains that more information that was available was not presented to jurors during the inquest.

    Young said he has received hundreds of pages from Illinois State Police that he believes shows much more evidence exists that goes far beyond the inquest. He received the materials through a Freedom of Information request to state police that initially was denied, but later appealed to the Illinois Attorney General's office. The request was ultimately approved in part when the case was closed, as indicated by the July 15 letter.

    "I think he needs to take all the evidence he has in his possession, not just what is in the inquest if that is what he is saying," Young said.

    Part of that evidence includes the 911 call made to Carbondale dispatch during which one man who identifies himself as "Richie" tells a dispatcher he calls by name that his girlfriend committed suicide. The 1:30 minute recording, forwarded by Young to The Southern Illinoisan, does not mention a gunshot wound.

    "I woke up and she is covered in blood. She overdosed and bled through the nose," the man is heard saying.

    Young claimed toxicology reports show there was no evidence of a drug overdose or alcohol poisoning. He could not immediately produce those reports upon request.

    Meanwhile, more than 13,600 people have joined a family administered Facebook page named Justice for Molly. Family members also plan to launch a website next week dedicated to Molly on which some evidence they claim to have will be posted. Also, a group of anonymous donors have purchased billboards on behalf of the family, one of which will be unveiled Aug. 17 on Illinois 14 in Buckner, Young said.
    The Justice for Molly FB page now has 14,022 members as of 8am.
    Last edited by portia; 08-07-2013 at 05:24 AM.

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