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Thread: The Bowraville Kids - 90's Unsolved Serial Murders of 3 Aboriginal Kids, Nth Coast, NSW, Australia (Protests held 2013)

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    Senior Member blighted star's Avatar
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    The Bowraville Kids - 90's Unsolved Serial Murders of 3 Aboriginal Kids, Nth Coast, NSW, Australia (Protests held 2013)

    Greens seek inquiry into Bowraville murders

    Posted Fri Apr 26, 2013 11:46am AEST

    Greens MP David Shoebridge said the NSW double-jeopardy laws have failed the families of three Aboriginal children murdered over 20 years ago.

    The bodies of 16 year old Clinton Speedy-Duroux and 4 year Evelyn Greenup were found near the Bowraville Mission in the early 1990s.

    The body of 16 year old Colleen Walker has never been found.

    Mr Shoebridge said a man has been tried and acquitted of two murders but the families still don't have justice.

    "People need to hear their stories and how the double jeopardy laws have failed them," he said.

    "Next week, on Tuesday I will read onto the record a motion calling for a parliamentary inquiry.

    "To put it before what's called the Law and Justice Committee of the NSW Parliament to review the double jeopardy law.

    "In particular to look at how it's failed the community in Bowraville and these families."

    Mr Shoebridge said a parliamentary inquiry is needed to review the double jeopardy laws.

    "If this case doesn't meet the threshold for a fresh trial for double jeopardy well then we should be looking at the way the double jeopardy laws are operating," he said.

    "Because this is community that has found fresh evidence, there were clear failures in the initial police prosecution.

    "If ever there's a case for the double jeopardy laws to work you would think it was this.

    "If it hasn't worked in this instance, we should review the way the double jeopardy laws operate."

    Anyone interested in reading a detailed history, try this link -
    Last edited by blighted star; 07-16-2013 at 10:34 PM.

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