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Thread: The Death Penalty in action - issues updates and the ongoing debate

  1. #1
    Superomnininjamember Monter's Avatar
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    The Death Penalty in action - issues updates and the ongoing debate

    There are so many facets to this conversation, there are entire sites dedicated to the Death penalty and the issues surrounding it. To me, I find it fascinating ( morbidly so, of course) that on a certain date and time, a person will be killed. I follow a few sites closely that update on upcoming executions throughout the US, details of the crime, etc.

    This site-
    Keeps an ongoing vigil posted for all execution dates upcoming, and the possibility they will be carried out as scheduled.

    This site is also pretty thorough ( although at times poorly written) about case summaries and lists executions and their resolution.

    Ive been stuck on the case of Vaughn Ross, who murdered his girlfriend's sister and an esteemed Dean at Texas Tech. The details of the case make it pretty clear the guy was engaged in some sort of illicit engagement when he was murdered, along with this 18 year old. It was not easy to find any source that would address this though!!
    Not to mention, I find it weird and creepy that a college professor would be caught with teenage prostitutes. It opens up so many other issues.
    The defense seemed to get slammed shut when they tried to address this guy's proclivities, and how that may have provided an alternative theory for the murder ( though it does seem pretty clear this clown did it).
    It is amazing to me that this guy is going to sleep every night knowing he will be dead in 6 days. I cant quite wrap my head around that.
    You're entitled to your own opinions. You're not entitled to your own facts.- D. Moynihan
    Quote Originally Posted by aquatwins View Post

  2. #2
    Senior Member leapfreak's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Monter View Post
    It is amazing to me that this guy is going to sleep every night knowing he will be dead in 6 days. I cant quite wrap my head around that.
    I always find this part of the Death Penalty fascinating. I can't even begin to imagine what it must be like to know exactly what day and time you will die. I don't understand how anyone continues to function whilst knowing this information

  3. #3
    Superomnininjamember Monter's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by leapfreak View Post
    I always find this part of the Death Penalty fascinating. I can't even begin to imagine what it must be like to know exactly what day and time you will die. I don't understand how anyone continues to function whilst knowing this information
    Right?? My bias is showing but I truly cannot imagine being able to condemn someone to death. In good conscience. I have never ever been that sure of anything in my life!!
    You're entitled to your own opinions. You're not entitled to your own facts.- D. Moynihan
    Quote Originally Posted by aquatwins View Post

  4. #4
    Senior Member Cap-n Meow's Avatar
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    I'm for the death penalty when there are compliant witnesses, no signs of mental illness, and given a fair trial.

  5. #5
    Senior Member leapfreak's Avatar
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    I'm against the death penalty. There is no perfect justice system and I think 1 innocent person being executed is 1 too many. I just don't get the whole eye-for-an-eye thing. I think sentences should be long. The one issue we have here in the UK is that our sentences are too short. Life should mean life.

  6. #6
    Senior Member M Joy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by leapfreak View Post
    I always find this part of the Death Penalty fascinating. I can't even begin to imagine what it must be like to know exactly what day and time you will die. I don't understand how anyone continues to function whilst knowing this information
    I've always been kind of fascinated by those notorious killers that have gone to the death chamber.
    Ever since Monster came out, I've been interested in Aileen Wuornos. She was crazy.
    Here's a video of her the day before she was executed.

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    Senior Member leapfreak's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by M Joy View Post
    I've always been kind of fascinated by those notorious killers that have gone to the death chamber.
    Ever since Monster came out, I've been interested in Aileen Wuornos. She was crazy.
    Here's a video of her the day before she was executed.

    The video is blocked for the UK. I kept meaning to watch Monster and never got around to it

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    Senior Member M Joy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by leapfreak View Post
    The video is blocked for the UK. I kept meaning to watch Monster and never got around to it
    if you google "Aileen Wuornos crazy" there are several of the same video that is approx 7 min long.
    charlize theron was brilliant playing her. But I'm going Off topic sorry

  9. #9
    Senior Member Cap-n Meow's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by leapfreak View Post
    I'm against the death penalty. There is no perfect justice system and I think 1 innocent person being executed is 1 too many. I just don't get the whole eye-for-an-eye thing. I think sentences should be long. The one issue we have here in the UK is that our sentences are too short. Life should mean life.
    It's impossible to say what anyone would really do in that situation, but as far as I know, if someone intentionally hurts someone I love, I would want blood.

  10. #10
    Superomnininjamember Monter's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by M Joy View Post
    if you google "Aileen Wuornos crazy" there are several of the same video that is approx 7 min long.
    charlize theron was brilliant playing her. But I'm going Off topic sorry
    No way I think that is absolutely on topic!!
    This guy Marshall Gore just received a stay of execution because he could be considered insane, and someone declared insane at the time of exectution can not be executed. Who can look at some of these guys, like Wuornos and not see how completely out of the mind she was!!
    You're entitled to your own opinions. You're not entitled to your own facts.- D. Moynihan
    Quote Originally Posted by aquatwins View Post

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    Senior Member leapfreak's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cap-n Meow View Post
    It's impossible to say what anyone would really do in that situation, but as far as I know, if someone intentionally hurts someone I love, I would want blood.
    I agree. I've luckily never been in a position where I've had to face something like that. My opinion could easily changed if someone did something to someone I love.

  12. #12
    Superomnininjamember Monter's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cap-n Meow View Post
    It's impossible to say what anyone would really do in that situation, but as far as I know, if someone intentionally hurts someone I love, I would want blood.
    I would too- no doubt. But should it be state sanctioned for that reason?
    If someone hurt my child I would gladly go to jail for the opportunity to destroy them. I don't think the DP is the answer.(personally). I think it brutalizes everyone further, and society in general.
    You're entitled to your own opinions. You're not entitled to your own facts.- D. Moynihan
    Quote Originally Posted by aquatwins View Post

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    Senior Member leapfreak's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by M Joy View Post
    if you google "Aileen Wuornos crazy" there are several of the same video that is approx 7 min long.
    charlize theron was brilliant playing her. But I'm going Off topic sorry
    I found one. Thank you. She does sound crazy and it's totally not off topic. It's fascinating to watch a video of someone the day before their execution

  14. #14
    Superomnininjamember Monter's Avatar
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    It is sick, but I look up the pending executions and try to find the backstories on these people . There was one scheduled for today at 6pm, but it was stayed. It is just odd - there is no other circumstance where a person can say "By 601pm, I will be dead". Creeps me the hell out.
    You're entitled to your own opinions. You're not entitled to your own facts.- D. Moynihan
    Quote Originally Posted by aquatwins View Post

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    Senior Member faq_q's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cap-n Meow View Post
    It's impossible to say what anyone would really do in that situation, but as far as I know, if someone intentionally hurts someone I love, I would want blood.
    Agreed! I will not bring up a certain thread but sometimes the DP is justified. Especially if the crime is brutal beyond comprehension. I remember when Bundy got executed, that was when I really started supporting the DP. I lived in Florida at the time and restaurants were selling Bundy fries.

    Quote Originally Posted by Boston Babe 73 View Post
    I find it hilarious that YOU are acting all high and mighty toward us when you're posting on here just like anyone else and in addition, defending a murderer. A child murderer, at that. Go fuck a Popsicle.

  16. #16
    Superomnininjamember Monter's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by faq_q View Post
    Agreed! I will not bring up a certain thread but sometimes the DP is justified. Especially if the crime is brutal beyond comprehension. I remember when Bundy got executed, that was when I really started supporting the DP. I lived in Florida at the time and restaurants were selling Bundy fries.
    Bring it up! I think specific cases illustrate the issues really well.
    You're entitled to your own opinions. You're not entitled to your own facts.- D. Moynihan
    Quote Originally Posted by aquatwins View Post

  17. #17
    Senior Member M Joy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Monter View Post
    Bring it up! I think specific cases illustrate the issues really well.
    I was debating whether or not to bring up the Jodi thread too. But it is relevant!
    I've generally been against the DP for the reason that to me it appears too easy of a punishment. An easy death for someone that caused so much pain and anguish to the victim(s) and their families.
    In the Jodi case, since the victim's family wants the DP so much I have supported that stance as well.
    Last edited by M Joy; 07-11-2013 at 09:21 AM.

  18. #18
    Senior Member missbad's Avatar
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    Where I live (in Canada) there are three prisons, one male provincial, one female provincial, and mixed federal. A Lot of my family has worked in the correctional system,I personally couldn't work in one. I know after listening to my mom, who has worked at the female center for 30 years, these people all have a story whether we want to hear it or not. I think its a waste to just put them to death if we are not going to learn something from them, ya know?

    My husbands cousin was murdered in May. I know how I felt about the man that did it, I would never judge someone who is for or against the D.P. Luckily it's not something I have to come to terms with. I just think it's a waist not to learn something from each case that can help further on in other cases.

    Thanks for starting this thread Monter.

    Quote Originally Posted by sogs View Post
    Nothing matters but the lesbian.

  19. #19
    Senior Member faq_q's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by M Joy View Post
    I was debating whether or not to bring up the Jodi thread too. But it is relevant!
    I've generally been against the DP for the reason that to me it appears too easy of a punishment. An easy death for someone that caused so much pain and anguish to the victim(s) and their families.
    In the Jodi case, since the family wants the DP so much I have supported that stance as well.
    Thanks M....I wasn't going to bring it up but it IS relevant. In her case, I just can't imagine the brutal nature of her murdering Travis. She literally killed him over and over. That is something I take into consideration when I consider the DP. I am largely against it but in a couple cases I can see where it is justified. I can see your point that sometimes LWOP would be harder for the convict though.

    Quote Originally Posted by Boston Babe 73 View Post
    I find it hilarious that YOU are acting all high and mighty toward us when you're posting on here just like anyone else and in addition, defending a murderer. A child murderer, at that. Go fuck a Popsicle.

  20. #20
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    I'm pretty wishy-washy on the DP. I can tell you, from personal experience, that many people support it more when it's their loved one that is the victim. I would have had no guilt if Ryan was given the death penalty. I've heard so many people say, "I couldn't support it, even if it was my child killed." To be honest, that bothers me. Those people have no idea and it's pretty ballsy to say how they would or wouldn't feel in that situation.

    But.... The idea of the death penalty still feels morally wrong. I heard the stupidest argument for it on one of those "Women that kill" shows. This one guy said, "The death penalty protects the sanctity of life." Are you for real?

  21. #21
    Senior Member Sneakers the Wonder Dog's Avatar
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    Has anyone here done any reading on the Innocence Project?

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sneakers the Wonder Dog View Post
    Has anyone here done any reading on the Innocence Project?
    What is that Sneaks?

    Quote Originally Posted by Boston Babe 73 View Post
    I find it hilarious that YOU are acting all high and mighty toward us when you're posting on here just like anyone else and in addition, defending a murderer. A child murderer, at that. Go fuck a Popsicle.

  23. #23
    Senior Member of_corpse_not's Avatar
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    I never heard of it either
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    I always say I'm against the death penalty but I'm sure if someone hurt/killed someone I loved I would see red & want them dead so I don't know for sure how I would feel. Also, I have a question for those pro DP, if someone was sentenced to death for killing someone you loved, would you attend the execution? Why or why not? I don't think I could. I seen a documentary a while back basically about a guy who went around watching executions. He had witnessed like over 100 of them & told about them in gruesome detail.

  24. #24
    Senior Member faq_q's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by of_corpse_not View Post
    I always say I'm against the death penalty but I'm sure if someone hurt/killed someone I loved I would see red & want them dead so I don't know for sure how I would feel. Also, I have a question for those pro DP, if someone was sentenced to death for killing someone you loved, would you attend the execution? Why or why not? I don't think I could. I seen a documentary a while back basically about a guy who went around watching executions. He had witnessed like over 100 of them & told about them in gruesome detail.
    If it was a loved one, I would think that I would have to be there. I'm pretty much a prick when it comes to that stuff though. If someone killed a loved one, I would like to administer my own kind of justice. Unfortunately, I would go to jail for it.

    Quote Originally Posted by Boston Babe 73 View Post
    I find it hilarious that YOU are acting all high and mighty toward us when you're posting on here just like anyone else and in addition, defending a murderer. A child murderer, at that. Go fuck a Popsicle.

  25. #25
    Certified Grumple Bottoms Ron_NYC's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by leapfreak View Post
    I always find this part of the Death Penalty fascinating. I can't even begin to imagine what it must be like to know exactly what day and time you will die. I don't understand how anyone continues to function whilst knowing this information
    It's a luxury their victims didn't have.
    And they get to pass away quietly while sleeping, not begging for their life while being bludgeoned to death.
    Quote Originally Posted by bowieluva View Post
    Ron was the best part, hands down.

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