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Thread: Asshole Politician of the Day

  1. #276
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  2. #277
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    Note this time its a politician that's the victim of a person accusing Rep. Janelle Bynum over campaigning in the district.

    A black Oregon state representative says someone called the police on her while she was canvassing door-to-door in her district.

    Rep. Janelle Bynum represents District 51, which includes the area of Clackamas County, where she was campaigning.

    In a Facebook post Tuesday, the Democrat wrote that a woman notified police that Bynum was suspicious because she was "spending a lot of time typing on my cell phone after each house."

    Bynum is running for reelection in the fall, and said she takes notes when she's visiting her constituents to keep an account of what her community cares about.

    She praised the deputy who responded for being professional, and said she asked him if she could meet the woman who made the call, but she was not available.

    "The officer called her, we talked and she did apologize," Bynum said, without specifying the race of the caller.

    CNN has reached out to Bynum and the police department for comment. Bynum told local media that someone called 911 and reported that she was spending too much time at houses in the area.

    In recent weeks, there have been a series of widely-publicized instances of police being called on black people engaging in regular activities. In one incident in Ohio, someone called the police on a 12-year-old boy for mowing the wrong lawn.

    CNN's Joe Sutton contributed to this report.

  3. #278
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    Now A Macedonia Mayor Faces Domestic Violence allegations.


    Macedonia Mayor Joseph Migliorini was arrested and charged with domestic violence in Florida on April 27, according to a Palm Beach Garden Springs Police report.

    The victim described Migliorini to police as her lover. Migliorini told police he was in a long-term relationship with the victim and they lived together.

    At a Seasons 52 restaurant entrance, Migliorini grabbed the victim's hair and yanked her back, spinning her around, according to the police report. He then slapped the victim across the right side of the face with his open hand and yelled derogatory expletives and berated her, police said.

    Migliorini was supposed to pick up his girlfriend from a business meeting at Seasons 52, and when she told him the meeting was not finished, the incident occurred outside the restaurant in the presence of a witness, guests and employees, according to the report.

    Migliorini fled the scene once he learned officials were called, police said.

    Migliorini reportedly ran into PGA Marina, where he was then arrested by police.

    Macedonia City Council President Nick Molnar tells Cleveland 19 "Council takes these matters very seriously and will evaluate the facts. At this point we are not at liberty to respond until we learn more."

    Mayor's Office Executive Assistant Diana L. Augustine says "There is no comment at this time. This appears to be a personal matter, not a business matter."

  4. #279
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    Now Jim Jordan A politician from Ohio is facing allegations.

    WASHINGTON – House Speaker Paul Ryan weighed in Friday on accusations that Republican Rep. Jim Jordan ignored allegations of sexual abuse while he was an assistant wrestling coach at Ohio State University decades ago.

    Through a spokesman, Ryan said the university was right to investigate the claims and that he would await the outcome of the probe.

    "These are serious allegations and issues," Ryan spokesman Doug Andres said in an emailed statement.

    "The university has rightfully initiated a full investigation into the matter. The speaker will await the findings of that inquiry," Andres said.

    Jordan, R-Ohio, a powerful House conservative, faces allegations from multiple former wrestlers that he knew about sexual abuse by the team doctor, but did not report or try to stop the misconduct. Jordan worked as an assistant wrestling coach in the 1980s to the mid-1990s. He was elected to Congress in 2006.

    Jordan has been floated as a possible replacement for Ryan, who is retiring this year .

    In April, Ohio State opened an investigation into allegations of sexual misconduct against Dr. Richard Strauss, who treated student athletes there from the mid-1970s to the late 1990s. Strauss died in 2005.

    Jordan has denied allegations he knew of the abuse and said if he had known, he would have reported it.

    President Donald Trump told reporters Thursday he believes Jordan "100 percent.” Jordan is close to the president and has been one of his key allies in Congress.

    Rep. Mark Meadows, who heads the conservative Freedom Caucus that Jordan co-founded, told USA TODAY he was confident the investigation would confirm what Jordan had said.

    “I have always known Jim Jordan to be a man of the utmost character, honor, and integrity," Meadows said. "I’m proud to stand by Jim Jordan and support him 100 percent and call on all of my colleagues to do the same.”

    “I know Jim and Jim has said ... this is a complete fabrication and that’s good enough for me," Rep. Andy Biggs, R-Ariz., another Freedom Caucus member, told USA TODAY. “I’m all in for Jim.”

  5. #280
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    Yes Duterte again but this time for doing rants against religious leaders.

  6. #281
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    And we have another rant on Duterte but theses Tirades are nothing compared to how the Drug War in the Philippines is being handled.

  7. #282
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    Yes as Usual Trump is the Asshat politician of the day.

    President Donald Trump has pardoned two Oregon cattle ranchers whose sentence for arson led armed militiamen to seize control of a wildlife refuge in 2016.

    Dwight Hammond, 76, and his son Steven Hammond, 49, were convicted in 2012 after a prescribed burn on their land spread to nearby public lands in 2001.

    The pair served time in jail, but a judge later ruled that they must serve their full five-year sentence.

    The ruling sparked anti-government protests that left one rancher dead.

    "The Hammonds are devoted family men, respected contributors to their local community and have widespread support from their neighbours, local law enforcement and farmers and ranchers across the West," the White House said in statement on Tuesday announcing their full pardon.

    "Justice is overdue for Dwight and Steven Hammond, both of whom are entirely deserving of these Grants of Executive Clemency.''

    The Hammonds had claimed that the fire was to fend off invasive species, but prosecutors alleged that it was set to cover up evidence of illegal deer poaching and that it posed a grave risk to firefighters.

  8. #283
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    As usual Donald Trump is on top of the list due to the handling of the Putin meeting/deal

  9. #284
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    Trump is off the charts insane this week. I was joking a few years ago when I said he had syphillis related dementia, now I'm wondering if it's true.

    He's still getting ratioed HARD on Twitter. It probably hasn't helped him that Twitter just did a mass purge of bots & fake accounts but he's barely getting any positive replies at all now.

    I hope he doesn't mute after he tweets because he's also getting tens of thousands more abusive & mocking comments/memes than retweets (actually, maybe he is reading them - that might explain the whole would/wouldn't ridiculousness)

    This is my favourite meme so far
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  10. #285
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    You know things are insane when even Fox news thinks Donald Trump is an asshole politician over the putin issue.

  11. #286
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    Trump is crazy if he thinks the U.S. military can beat Iran.

  12. #287
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  13. #288
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    And this when even Fox News is critical of Putin's handling of domestic issues in Russia. You know Trump is a bad politician when this comes up.

  14. #289
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    I saw this as a retweet & thought it was a parody account. Laughed so loud my stomach hurt when I realised it really came from Trump.

    I know it's not really funny, because this demented fuckhead is holding all of our lives in his tiny pink hands, but it's just the stupidest, most unsubtle attempt at reverse psychology I've ever seen

    (also, as evidenced in this screenshot his tweets are getting ratioed hard all the time now but I'm pretty sure he doesn't realise it )
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  15. #290
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    Quote Originally Posted by blighted star View Post
    I saw this as a retweet & thought it was a parody account. Laughed so loud my stomach hurt when I realised it really came from Trump.

    I know it's not really funny, because this demented fuckhead is holding all of our lives in his tiny pink hands, but it's just the stupidest, most unsubtle attempt at reverse psychology I've ever seen

    (also, as evidenced in this screenshot his tweets are getting ratioed hard all the time now but I'm pretty sure he doesn't realise it )

    The hypocrisy.. I can't even read his Twitter feed anymore. I had taken to retweeting hypocritical tweets, like the one from 2011 where Drumpf roasts Obama for "starting a war with Iran to boost ratings". I was the least politically involved person before 2016. I had a strong dislike of DT before he was elected. I've met his son Eric.. he is a sub par human.

    May I ask was "ratioed" means in the Twitter world? I googled it because I am that lame. From what the google machine said, it's when the number of replies to tweets outweights your retweets. Amirite? Or should I say, Was google right?

  16. #291
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    Yes now Trump is going after the Koch Brothers in a rant.

  17. #292
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    Yes Trump watch at play here.

    . SAN FRANCISCO (AP) - A U.S. appeals court says President Donald Trump’s executive order threatening to withhold funding from “sanctuary cities” that limit cooperation with immigration authorities is unconstitutional.

    But the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals said Wednesday that a lower court went too far when it blocked the order nationwide.

    U.S. District Judge William Orrick said in November that Trump’s order threatened all federal funding and that the president didn’t have the authority to attach new conditions to spending approved by Congress.

    The ruling came in lawsuits filed by two California counties — San Francisco and Santa Clara.

    The Trump administration said the order applies to a relatively small pot of money that already requires compliance with immigration law.

    An email to a spokesman for the U.S. Justice Department wasn’t immediately returned.

  18. #293
    Senior Member blighted star's Avatar
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    This year we might need to change the thread title to "Asshole Politician of The Hour"

    & I guess this guy might deserve a thread in Social Networking Criminals if any charges arise out of this

    Illinois lawmaker Nick Sauer quits after 'catfishing' claim
    7 hours ago

    Mr Sauer's former girlfriend has reportedly also filed a police report in Chicago

    An Illinois state representative has resigned following allegations he used photos of his ex-girlfriend to "catfish other men".

    Republican Nick Sauer allegedly used the photos on a fake Instagram account to lure men into "graphic conversations of a sexual nature".

    His former girlfriend Kate Kelly made the allegations in a formal complaint.

    Catfishing refers to creating fake personas to trick others into bogus online conversations.

    Mr Sauer said in a statement his duties would be affected "by the distraction of addressing these allegations.

    "After speaking with my family, I feel it best to step away from my public responsibilities," the first term lawmaker said.

    Illinois house Republican leader Jim Durkin called the allegations "troubling", saying the "proper authorities" should be allowed to investigate.

    Publishing private sexual images without consent is a crime in the state of Illinois.

    Mr Sauer was serving as representative in Illinois' 51st district

    Ms Kelly filed the complaint with the Office of the Legislative Inspector General on Wednesday, according to reports on US news website Politico.

    The article says that Ms Kelly has also filed a report with the Chicago Police Department.

    Speaking to the website, Ms Kelly said she and Mr Sauer, both unmarried, met on the dating app Tinder in 2016 but broke up earlier this year when she discovered he had been seeing other women.

    What is catfishing?

    Catfishing is when people create fake online personas to trick or bully others

    The fraudster can try to scam others into romantic or sexual relationships

    A documentary called Catfish was released in 2010 about a man uncovering the true identity of an online love interest

    The film's lead, Nev Schulman, later made a television series with the same name

    Should 'catfishing' be made a crime?

    In July, a man allegedly contacted Ms Kelly on her Instagram account saying he had been speaking to a person for the past four months pretending to be her.

    Ms Kelly's complaint says Mr Sauer later "came to my house and confessed to catfishing men with my photos".

    Mr Sauer represented Illinois' 51st district, and was a member of the House Sexual Discrimination and Harassment Task Force.

    Earlier this year, Missouri Governor Eric Greitens resigned after claims he photographed a naked woman without her consent.

  19. #294
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    Fills me with joy every time one of these perverts is a Republican.

  20. #295
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    Quote Originally Posted by mydeathspace View Post
    Fills me with joy every time one of these perverts is a Republican.
    You're probably just filled with beer.

  21. #296
    Cousin Greg Angiebla's Avatar
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    district, and was a member of the House Sexual Discrimination and Harassment Task Force.

    "The love for all living creatures is the most noble attribute of man" -Charles Darwin

    Quote Originally Posted by bowieluva View Post
    Chelsea, if you are a ghost and reading mds, I command you to walk into the light.

  22. #297
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    Quote Originally Posted by Angiebla View Post
    Well here in Sacramento we had a similar situation where a me too leader for California who was in fact assigned to investigate harassment allegations was herself accused of misconduct yes I mean Cristina Garcia.

    So its very fitting that the Metoo leader in Illinois is facing catfishing harassment allegations.

    But wait I seen stuff in the past that Ryan Laforge did lots of Catfishing for Creep Catchers up in Canada and did this under "Vigilante action stuff" yes Catfishing has been a Vigilante tactic for years to go after people they accuse of misconduct.

  23. #298
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    Here are more updates on Chris Collins

    . U.S. Rep. Christopher Collins, a Buffalo Republican, said Wednesday that he will remain on the November ballot despite being indicted for securities fraud hours earlier. Collins is accused of using insider information about Innate Immunotherapeutics Limited, an Australian biotechnology company, to help his son make illicit stock trades.

    Collins said he would "mount a vigorous defense in court to clear my name," and that he anticipated being "fully vindicated and exonerated." He confirmed that he would remain on the ballot in November. Collins will face Democrat Nate McMurray, who in the light of the allegations against the sitting congressman, may have more of a chance of victory in a solid Republican district than previously thought.

    Chris Collins, a timeline — including video of that phone call at the White House picnic
    Collins was charged by the U.S. attorney for the Southern District of New York on Wednesday.

    Collins began the conference by outlining his career in business and politics. He highlighted his belief in Innate Immunotherapeutics and its efforts to find a cure for secondary progressive multiple sclerosis. The congressman was a member of the company's board.

    I believe I acted properly and within the law at all times," Collins said. However, he did not address the allegations that he informed his son, Cameron, that a drug trial by Innate had failed, leading to alleged insider trading. He also did not discuss charges that he made false statements to the FBI.

    "After today, I will not address any issues related to Innate Immunotherapeutics outside of the courtroom," Collins said at the close of the conference. He did not take any questions.

    Collins also did not mention his removal from the House Committee on Energy and Commerce by House Speaker Paul Ryan.

    Geoffrey Berman, the U.S. attorney for the Southern District of New York who brought the charges against Collins, said in a press conference earlier on Wednesday that the congressman "placed his family and friends above the public good."

    "Congressman Collins, who by virtue of his office helps to write the laws of our nation, acted as if the law did not apply to him," Berman said.

    The indictment charges Collins, his son, and Stephen Zarsky, the father of his son's fiancee with conspiracy, wire fraud and other counts. Collins engaged in some of the alleged behavior while at the Congressional picnic at the White House in June 2017.

    Collins and his co-defendants were arraigned Wednesday afternoon in New York City, where each of them pleaded not guilty. They were released on $500,000 bond, and are set to return to court in October.

    House Speaker Paul Ryan removed Collins from his position Wednesday on the House Energy and Commerce Committee.

  24. #299
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    . CNN)New York GOP Rep. Chris Collins vowed to fight the criminal charges against him in court and win re-election, hours after federal prosecutors arrested him on accusations that he took part in insider trading.

    "The charges that have been levied against me are meritless," Collins said Wednesday. "And I will mount a vigorous defense in court to clear my name. I look forward to being fully vindicated and exonerated."
    Federal prosecutors on Wednesday charged Collins, his son and another man with 13 counts of securities fraud, wire fraud and false statements stemming from an alleged insider trading scheme centered on an Australian pharmaceutical company. He could face up to 150 years in prison if convicted on all counts, according to Nick Biase, a spokesman for the US Attorney's Office of the Southern District of New York.
    told reporters Wednesday evening, during a short news conference where he did not take questions, that he would "not address any issues related to Innate Immunotherapeutics outside of the courtroom" as he sought to clear his name.
    "As I fight to clear my name, rest assured, I will continue to work hard for the people and constituents of the 27th Congressional District of New York," Collins said. "And I will remain on the ballot running for re-election this November."
    Prosecutors at the US Attorney's Office for the Southern District of New York alleged in an indictment that Collins and the other defendants acted on nonpublic information about the results of a drug trial and used it to trade on the stock of the pharmaceutical company, Innate Immunotherapeutics Limited, of which Collins was a board member.
    Innate Immunotherapeutics said in a statement that it had cooperated fully with requests for information from the Securities and Exchange Commission related to the Collins indictment.
    "The US media has inaccurately reported that Mr. Collins and colleagues were the beneficiaries of share issuances in the Company on privileged terms," the statement said. "Mr. Collins (and colleagues) have only ever participated in shareholder-approved share placements or 'rights issues' of shares in the Company."
    The indictment doesn't allege that Collins himself traded on the information about the failed results of a drug trial, but that he passed the information to his son, Cameron Collins, so that the younger Collins could execute trades. And it alleges that the younger Collins passed the information to others, including his fiancee's father, Stephen Zarsky, who also traded on the information.
    That allowed them, prosecutors allege, to avoid more than $768,000 in losses they would have incurred if they had traded the stock after the drug trial results became public. All three then lied about their actions to federal agents, according to the indictment.
    "Congressman Collins cheated our market and our justice system in two ways," US Attorney Geoffrey Berman said at a news conference Wednesday. "First, he tipped his son to confidential corporate information at the expense of regular investors. And then he lied about it to law enforcement to cover it up."
    Collins and the other defendants pleaded not guilty in Manhattan federal court Wednesday afternoon. Each must pay a $500,000 personal recognizance bond.
    The 30-page indictment highlights that the congressman received the information about the failed drug trial from the company's CEO and then repeatedly dialed his son while the elder Collins was attending the annual congressional picnic at the White House on June 22, 2017.
    At 7:10 p.m. that evening, amid the picnic, Chris Collins responded in an email to the CEO, "Wow. Makes no sense. How are these results even possible???"
    One minute later, according to the indictment, Collins began placing phone calls to his son. After failing six times to connect with his son, the congressman reached him on the seventh call and informed him that the drug trial for a multiple sclerosis treatment had failed, the indictment says.

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    An update on the Chris Collins Insider Trading scandal.

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