Quote Originally Posted by Miller22 View Post
This just made me ponder something. I know that they've done brainmapping on serial killers/sociopaths. What if (and maybe they have and I'm unaware) they discern a gene that determines someone is predisposed to being violent/a murderer ect. What if the same could be for other traits, such as being gay.

Can you imagine the moral dilemma that so many would be faced with?
Selective birth control like this should be illegal, and this is a little of the feeling I get with this particular abortive procedure. If in fact the baby's prognosis was confirmed to be terminal then perhaps it was the right decision. The problem comes in when prospective moms and dads say "nope, this one's gonna have brown eyes/nope she's going to have webbed toes/sorry, he's going to have seizures. We'll just have to try again after I recover from the procedure." These are all examples of the risks you take when you decide to become a parent, it is not at all a decision to be made lightly - no matter how cool it may look on TLC or 16 and Pregnant. And I'll remind you that how babies turn out as adults has just as much to do with nature as it does with nurture. If you have a genetically perfect child growing up in a fucked up home...you run the risk of having him damaged for life. By the same token, you can have a child who may have some genetic flaw that predisposes him/her to violence but that never becomes an issue because you did right by them as a parent. It's all very confusing and scary as hell sometimes.