Quote Originally Posted by whackjob View Post
this makes me think of a story that has haunted me for a good chunk of my life. it happened when i was a kid. a semi went off the road and flew down an embankment. the driver was pinned inside the cab, bearing the weight of the truck and that pressure, or whatever, was the only thing that was keeping him alive. and he was alive for a good chunk of time, hours? he was supposedly pretty calm through it all. they were able to connect him to his wife and they said their goodbyes. he was a goner when they were finally able to pull the trailer off the cab.
Oh gosh. I've heard of this happening so many times. It has happened in my surrounding community, but I have not been on the call. The similar calls I have been on, the person is already deceased when we arrive. It's terrible, but I think I prefer the calls I've been on. That has to be some major PTSD for the first responders.