Quote Originally Posted by McMama View Post
I don't believe in anything. Anything. The only thing I believe in is that I'm going to have to pee when I wake up in the morning.

When my husband was gone to basic training, I was living with my Gramps. I was sleeping in his extra bedroom and I had such a vivid dream that I knew I had to wake myself up and write everything down before I forgot what I dreamed about. I dreamed that my Great-Grandpa (my Nan's dad) had visited me. He knew he was dead, and I know this because he told me that he didn't have a lot of time to spend with me but he had something important that he really needed to talk to me about. I was just as I was in present time. I was 18 years old, newly married, in college, etc. In the first part of the dream, I walked with him through an old two-story house. I can remember stepping over a gate (like a wooden baby gate) and I can remember him looking back at me and telling me to "be careful".
After he showed me the house, we went onto the front porch of the house and he sat down in an old black wrought-iron chair. He was a small man, but he asked me to sit on his lap as he patted his knee and so I did. He was rubbing my back, telling me how proud he was of me. He kept apologizing and talking about his disappointment with our family (my maternal side). He said that everything was so messed up and that he was so disappointed in how things had been going. I can still remember the sadness and shame he expressed when he spoke of this. He kept reiterating how proud he was of me and how everything was going to be okay. He hugged me so tight and told me he had to leave, but he kept assuring me that everything was going to get better. I stood up from his knee, he got up, and then I woke up.

When I woke up, I was crying so hard that my body was involuntarily sobbing. I called my Nan and told her about everything, and she started crying because she knows I would've never and could've never made anything like that up. I have goosies as I type this and my eyes are welling up. It was and still is the strangest thing. I feel so ridiculous saying this, but I think that my Great-Grandpa visited me and I think that he just wanted to reassure me. He died when I was 13 months old and I had no reason to be thinking of that man at anytime in my life, especially around that period of time.

That's awesome. I totally believe in that stuff. I've never had an experience directly, but my mom did. and she REALLY doesn't believe, we still barely talk about it to this day. I was like 11 and woke up from a bad dream, I went into my mom and dads room because I used to just tell my mom about the dream and that would help me go back to sleep in my own room. So I walked in to tell her about it, it was like 3:25am, and she was sitting up in bed WIDE awake. It freaked me out. She was staring at the foot of the bed and I just went over and talked to her for like 5 minutes, then went back to bed. The next morning at like 10am, the phone rang, my dad went to get it and before he even picked up the phone my mom looked at me and said "Your Aunt Marnie died last night". sure enough, that was the phone call that dad got, and my mom knew it because when I came in the room the night before she was seeing Marnie telling her goodbye. My mom and my aunt were VERY close. It was crazy. We still don't talk about that. Ever.