A waiter's funeral was turned into a surprise celebration when he woke up after doctors declared he had died from a heart attack in southern Egypt.

Hospital officials pronounced Hamdi Hafexz al-Nubi, 28, dead after he collapsed at work in his hometown of Naga al-Simman in the southern province of Luxor last week, AP reports.

Doctors said he had likely suffered a heart attack, and grieving relatives took his body home, washed it according to Islamic tradition, and prepared him for burial on Friday evening.

The family only realised Mr al-Nubi was still alive after a doctor was sent to their house to sign a death certificate.

The female doctor inspected Mr al-Nubi's body and discovered he was still warm, which prompted her to check his vital signs and declare that he was not actually dead.

Mr al-Nubi's mother was so shocked at hearing the news that she fainted.

The doctor managed to awaken Mr al-Nubi and his mother, and his funeral was quickly transformed into an impromptu party celebrating his 'resurrection'.

It is not known was caused Mr al-Nubi to collapse.