Quote Originally Posted by Ron_NYC View Post
You want him in your fucking house?
People who do treatment foster care take extra classes to learn to deal with children who have special circumstances. Sometimes that may mean that the kid is viewed as a threat because of past actions.
No, I wouldn't take him into my house because I have my hands pretty full right now with my own, thanks. Nor would I feel comfortable having him around the two younger kids. That doesn't mean that everyone out there is looking at the kid as a lost cause though.
When it comes down to it, I couldn't care less what they do with this kid. Rehabbed or jailed, he's going to be housed, clothed, and fed on taxpayer money. In the end, it would be nice if he can come out the other side of 'the system' as a reasonably healthy and productive member of society. But even with a good foster home and intensive therapy that might not happen. :shrug: