Detroit judge's bare-chest photo draws ire

Michael Winter, USA TODAY
USA Today
April 24, 2012 ET

A Detroit judge is be*ing accused of sexting over a bare-chest self-portrait sent to the phone of a female court bailiff, WJBK-TV reports.

The husband of the unidenti*fied bailiff is not happy about the photo of Detroit Circuit Judge Wade McCree and is fil*ing complaints with the Wayne County pros*ecutor and the Michigan Ju*dicial Tenure Commis*sion, the Fox affil*iate says.

The photo, tak*en in a mirror, shows McCree holding a cam*era, naked from the waist up and smiling.

When a Fox reporter showed McCree the photo in his office, the judge replied on cam*era, "Hot dog. Yep, that's me. No shame to my game. I ain't talking to nobody else's wife."

The husband, whose face is not seen on cam*era and whose voice is al*tered, questioned McCree's fitness to be a judge.

"It's high*ly inappropriate," he said. "What kind of man would send this to a married woman?"

McCree admitted that he has sent the photo to oth*er women. When the reporter asked if that was OK with his wife, McCree stammered, then said, "There's noth*ing nude about it. I'm in no more clothes than when I'll be at the Y this af*ter*noon to swim my mile."

The judge said he was "amazed" the husband got the photo, then quizzed the reporter about the details of how he came to see it. He tells the reporter that because husband is saying his wife got the photo from judge's phone, it's "hearsay."

McCree's fa*ther, Wade H. McCree Jr., was so*licitor general of the United States under Pres*ident Jimmy Carter and the first African-American judge on the U.S. Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals.

The case echoes the scan*dal that ended the con*gres*sion*al ca*reer of for*mer New York Demo*crat*ic Rep. Antho*ny Weiner, who resigned last June af*ter sending a sexually suggestive photo to a woman on Twitter.

McCree gained some noto*ri*ety in 2009 by sen*tenc*ing sev*eral dozen men to watch the Maury Povich TV show as part of probation for overdue child support.
Sentenced to the doghouse?