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Thread: Home Decorating, renovation and DIY

  1. #26
    Moderator puzzld's Avatar
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    Re: Home Decorating

    When we were house hunting, we looked at a house and a building site in an "air force" neighborhood.

      every house was precisely in the middle of a 1/2 acre yard.  You had your choice of 1 of 4 earth tone colors.  You had to agree to keep your lawn precisely so tall.  This kind of fence, etc. etc.

    (You should have seen the guys face when I told him I would be xerioscaping and that if I built I'd want the house near the front of the yard so I could have a bigger back yard)

    For some reason the pashminas brought it all back.
    Quote Originally Posted by bowieluva View Post
    lol at Nestle being some vicious smiter, she's the nicest person on this site besides probably puzzld. Or at least the last person to resort to smiting.
    Quote Originally Posted by nestlequikie View Post
    Why on earth would I smite you when I can ban you?

  2. #27
    Senior Member KimTisha's Avatar
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    Re: Home Decorating

    [quote author=deeply shaded link=topic=18633.msg1187672#msg1187672 date=1234833660]
    Just so I'm clear on this, you're talking Paris, Tennessee, right?

    In other news, I think I'm in love with pashminas. And you. Would you come decorate my house? [/quote]

    Um... no.  This time I was talking about Paris, France.   :lol:

    I'm leaving for Spain tomorrow - Land of the Six Dollar Pashmina.  What color would you like?  :-)

    [quote author=neenerneener link=topic=18633.msg1187787#msg1187787 date=1234842710] kim i think pashminas are an awesome idea!  jarrod loves it when things match, and i hate it.  :lol:  i think a few pashminas would let a little bit of my style show through.    at his parents house, there were always blankets and things draped on the furniture, so i dont think he'll be that opposed to it.  :-P[/quote]

    I'm leaving for Spain tomorrow - Land of the Six Dollar Pashmina.  What color would you like?  :-)
    You are talking to a woman who has laughed in the face of death, sneered at doom and chuckled at catastrophe.
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  3. #28
    Senior Member deeply shaded's Avatar
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    Re: Home Decorating

    [quote author=KimTisha link=topic=18633.msg1187982#msg1187982 date=1234850174]
    Um... no.  This time I was talking about Paris, France.   :lol:

    I'm leaving for Spain tomorrow - Land of the Six Euro Pashmina.  What color would you like?  :-)

    Oh, man. Reds and blacks and blues and whites and purples and did I mention reds?
    Quote Originally Posted by beli View Post
    kim kardashian - made famous for having a sex tape, should die in a fire
    Quote Originally Posted by McMama View Post
    Have you ever walked into a mall, sat on God's lap, and had your picture taken?

  4. #29
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    Re: Home Decorating

    [quote author=KimTisha link=topic=18633.msg1187982#msg1187982 date=1234850174]
    Um... no.  This time I was talking about Paris, France.   :lol:

    I'm leaving for Spain tomorrow - Land of the Six Euro Pashmina.  What color would you like?  :-)

    What part? I wanna go! 
    [quote author=Olivia link=topic=7606.msg1221694#msg1221694 date=1237710360]<br /> She is in the death queue.<br />[/quote]<br />You got me all wrong.

  5. #30
    Senior Member KimTisha's Avatar
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    Re: Home Decorating

    [quote author=vaga link=topic=18633.msg1187988#msg1187988 date=1234850659]What part? I wanna go!&nbsp;

    Two years ago we bought a retirement home (condo) in Aguilas.&nbsp; It's carnivale time and they have one of the biggest in Europe.&nbsp; We need to decompress after the month we had in January so we're heading there for five days.&nbsp; Plus I'm redecorating the place.&nbsp; I'm leaving for work right now but when I get home I'll have to post before and after pics of what I've done so far.&nbsp; My Air Force husband almost had an aneurysm when I described what I wanted to do, but he loves it now.

    I love Spain - and Spaniards.&nbsp; They are some of the friendliest people on earth.&nbsp;
    You are talking to a woman who has laughed in the face of death, sneered at doom and chuckled at catastrophe.
    ...Collector of Chairs. Reader of Books. Hater of Nutmeg...

  6. #31
    has supermodel tits neenerneener's Avatar
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    Re: Home Decorating

    [quote author=KimTisha link=topic=18633.msg1187982#msg1187982 date=1234850174]
    Um... no.&nbsp; This time I was talking about Paris, France.&nbsp; &nbsp;:lol:

    I'm leaving for Spain tomorrow - Land of the Six Euro Pashmina.&nbsp; What color would you like?&nbsp; :-)


    reds and browns and golds and cream.&nbsp;

    pick me up some, i'll pay you good moneys for them!&nbsp;
    Quote Originally Posted by Ron_NYC
    I want to kiss your lips. Both sets.
    * wow you truly are the sterial cunt here are yo not.I fuckin hate you cunt* - Loonywop
    ★ take the sig down ★ - Loonywop

  7. #32
    Senior Member KimTisha's Avatar
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    Re: Home Decorating

    [quote author=TinkerBelly link=topic=18633.msg1187615#msg1187615 date=1234830152] DS - I love the chaise.&nbsp; We bought new living room furniture not long ago and I really wanted a chaise but I fell in love with a chocolate brown suede sofa.&nbsp; So I bought two sofas (4 recliners -which I never use) and a 4 foot wedge.&nbsp; I need big furniture in the room because it is 30 by 25. So my living room colors are chocolate and aqua and I love it.

    Good lord woman, that's not a living room - that's a ballroom.&nbsp; Choc and Aq - love it!&nbsp; Pictures please?

    [quote author=neenerneener link=topic=18633.msg1187997#msg1187997 date=1234851316] reds and browns and golds and cream.&nbsp; [/quote]

    Like the colors of the pashminas in the comparison pic I posted above?&nbsp; Any combination of those colors?

    [quote author=deeply shaded link=topic=18633.msg1187986#msg1187986 date=1234850597]Oh, man. Reds and blacks and blues and whites and purples and did I mention reds? [/quote]

    Okay, this is how I interpret your request:

    You want a pashmina that is primarily red and black, a primarily blue and white one, and a primarily purple one.&nbsp; Did I get that right?
    You are talking to a woman who has laughed in the face of death, sneered at doom and chuckled at catastrophe.
    ...Collector of Chairs. Reader of Books. Hater of Nutmeg...

  8. #33
    Senior Member deeply shaded's Avatar
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    Re: Home Decorating

    [quote author=KimTisha link=topic=18633.msg1188120#msg1188120 date=1234867272]
    Good lord woman, that's not a living room - that's a ballroom.&nbsp; Choc and Aq - love it!&nbsp; Pictures please?

    Like the colors of the pashminas in the comparison pic I posted above?&nbsp; Any combination of those colors?

    Okay, this is how I interpret your request:

    You want a pashmina that is primarily red and black, a primarily blue and white one, and a primarily purple one.&nbsp; Did I get that right?

    You get me. I heart you.
    Quote Originally Posted by beli View Post
    kim kardashian - made famous for having a sex tape, should die in a fire
    Quote Originally Posted by McMama View Post
    Have you ever walked into a mall, sat on God's lap, and had your picture taken?

  9. #34
    has supermodel tits neenerneener's Avatar
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    Re: Home Decorating

    [quote author=KimTisha link=topic=18633.msg1188120#msg1188120 date=1234867272]
    Good lord woman, that's not a living room - that's a ballroom.&nbsp; Choc and Aq - love it!&nbsp; Pictures please?

    Like the colors of the pashminas in the comparison pic I posted above?&nbsp; Any combination of those colors?

    Okay, this is how I interpret your request:

    You want a pashmina that is primarily red and black, a primarily blue and white one, and a primarily purple one.&nbsp; Did I get that right?

    just like the ones you posted, any combo of the colors.&nbsp;
    Quote Originally Posted by Ron_NYC
    I want to kiss your lips. Both sets.
    * wow you truly are the sterial cunt here are yo not.I fuckin hate you cunt* - Loonywop
    ★ take the sig down ★ - Loonywop

  10. #35
    Senior Member KimTisha's Avatar
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    Re: Home Decorating

    [quote author=deeply shaded link=topic=18633.msg1187679#msg1187679 date=1234833936]
    And today I bought this family room thing that is 5 pieces that all fit together or can be pulled apart and has about a zillion pillows on it, a sofa table, a thing to sit by the door and hang coats on but also has a seat because I am old and need to sit to tie my shoes and a mirror because I care so deeply what I look like as I go out the door, a red leather couch and a little suit of armor guy to stand by the fireplace. He's so adorable.

    I was gone all day and did not find my camera cord yet. Soon I am going to play SimAnimals on the Wii with my grandson then I am going to clean and look for the cord. And the charger. Because the camera died earlier. [/quote]

    Oh yeah, and I really, realllly want to see this.&nbsp; The &quot;theme&quot; of my living room is heraldry.&nbsp; I need a little suit of armor guy to stand by my fireplace.&nbsp; Pictures please.&nbsp; Have you found that camera cord yet woman?
    You are talking to a woman who has laughed in the face of death, sneered at doom and chuckled at catastrophe.
    ...Collector of Chairs. Reader of Books. Hater of Nutmeg...

  11. #36
    Senior Member KimTisha's Avatar
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    Re: Home Decorating

    Okay, so two years ago we buy a retirement condo in Spain, right?&nbsp; We buy it fully furnished except the previous owners have removed the pictures from the walls (I hate the furniture but it's a holiday rental until we retire and move our own stuff there).&nbsp; The walls are white, the furniture is white, the curtains are white - it looks like a bleach bomb went off in the place.&nbsp;

    Now Steve is seriously color blind, so he prefers &quot;white themes&quot; so he doesn't have to worry about matching things (true story).&nbsp; We walk in after closing on the place and Steve proudly announces that &quot;all this place needs is a coupla pictures on the walls!&quot;&nbsp; I was like, &quot;You're kidding me right?&nbsp; This place needs some color!&quot; and I proceed to outline my plan.&nbsp; He saw the place as &quot;perfect&quot; and I saw it as a blank canvas.&nbsp; Silly man.&nbsp; :lol:

    He fought me every. step. of. the. way.&nbsp; I could only get him to agree to my plan by approaching it in phases.&nbsp; What follows is Phase I.&nbsp; I still have a ton of ideas for the place and I'm not done with the walls (this is just the base color) but it's a start.

    Total cost:&nbsp; $250 for the paint, curtains, rods, rug, pashminas (of course!), tapestry, and picture frames.&nbsp; I found the posters (for the Aguilas Carnavale) taped to the back of the bedroom doors bought two ten dollar frames and painted them black.

    You are talking to a woman who has laughed in the face of death, sneered at doom and chuckled at catastrophe.
    ...Collector of Chairs. Reader of Books. Hater of Nutmeg...

  12. #37
    Senior Member KimTisha's Avatar
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    Re: Home Decorating

    [quote author=puzzld link=topic=18633.msg1187822#msg1187822 date=1234844025]
    When we were house hunting, we looked at a house and a building site in an &quot;air force&quot; neighborhood.

    &nbsp; every house was precisely in the middle of a 1/2 acre yard.&nbsp; You had your choice of 1 of 4 earth tone colors.&nbsp; You had to agree to keep your lawn precisely so tall.&nbsp; This kind of fence, etc. etc.

    (You should have seen the guys face when I told him I would be xerioscaping and that if I built I'd want the house near the front of the yard so I could have a bigger back yard)

    For some reason the pashminas brought it all back.[/quote]

    You rocked his world.&nbsp; And not in a good way.&nbsp; &quot;There goes the neighborhood!&quot;
    You are talking to a woman who has laughed in the face of death, sneered at doom and chuckled at catastrophe.
    ...Collector of Chairs. Reader of Books. Hater of Nutmeg...

  13. #38
    Moderator puzzld's Avatar
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    Re: Home Decorating

    [quote author=KimTisha link=topic=18633.msg1188700#msg1188700 date=1234909621]
    You rocked his world.&nbsp; And not in a good way.&nbsp; &quot;There goes the neighborhood!&quot;
    Yeah I imagine he still thanks whatever deity he prays to that we didn't buy.

    I know I do.&nbsp; Much happier where I am.&nbsp; I need to take pics...
    Quote Originally Posted by bowieluva View Post
    lol at Nestle being some vicious smiter, she's the nicest person on this site besides probably puzzld. Or at least the last person to resort to smiting.
    Quote Originally Posted by nestlequikie View Post
    Why on earth would I smite you when I can ban you?

  14. #39
    Senior Member deeply shaded's Avatar
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    Re: Home Decorating

    [quote author=KimTisha link=topic=18633.msg1188700#msg1188700 date=1234909621]
    You rocked his world.&nbsp; And not in a good way.&nbsp; &quot;There goes the neighborhood!&quot;

    I desperately want to live with you. I will cook and scrunch pashminas for you.

    I haven't found my camera stuff yet and now am wondering if I've had it since we moved. I'm thinking no, so they might be in a box somewhere. Which is another problem, because there aren't any boxes anywhere.&nbsp; :lol: But there might be one in the garage or something. I'll keep looking.
    Quote Originally Posted by beli View Post
    kim kardashian - made famous for having a sex tape, should die in a fire
    Quote Originally Posted by McMama View Post
    Have you ever walked into a mall, sat on God's lap, and had your picture taken?

  15. #40
    Senior Member KimTisha's Avatar
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    Re: Home Decorating

    [quote author=deeply shaded link=topic=18633.msg1188841#msg1188841 date=1234915209]I desperately want to live with you. I will cook and scrunch pashminas for you.

    I haven't found my camera stuff yet and now am wondering if I've had it since we moved. I'm thinking no, so they might be in a box somewhere. Which is another problem, because there aren't any boxes anywhere.&nbsp; :lol: But there might be one in the garage or something. I'll keep looking. [/quote]

    And I desperately want you to live with me.&nbsp; I don't cook and I could use someone to scrunch my massive collection of pashminas - god knows my husband won't do it!*&nbsp; :lol:&nbsp; Could you bring the adorable little knight in shining armor?&nbsp; I'll drape him in a pashmina - a tiny, adorable little pashmina.

    Speaking of the husband... it's 1AM, he's packing for Spain (we're leaving in five hours) and I'm sitting here on my ass playing around on MDS.&nbsp; I think he might be getting frustrated (not in a sexual way - in an aggravated way).&nbsp; Signing off now gang....&nbsp;
    You are talking to a woman who has laughed in the face of death, sneered at doom and chuckled at catastrophe.
    ...Collector of Chairs. Reader of Books. Hater of Nutmeg...

  16. #41
    has supermodel tits neenerneener's Avatar
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    Re: Home Decorating

    [quote author=KimTisha link=topic=18633.msg1188853#msg1188853 date=1234915605]
    And I desperately want you to live with me.&nbsp; I don't cook and I could use someone to scrunch my massive collection of pashminas - god knows my husband won't do it!*&nbsp; &nbsp;:lol:&nbsp; Could you bring the adorable little knight in shining armor?&nbsp; I'll drape him in a pashmina - a tiny, adorable little pashmina.

    Speaking of the husband... it's 1AM, he's packing for Spain (we're leaving in five hours) and I'm sitting here on my ass playing around on MDS.&nbsp; I think he might be getting frustrated (not in a sexual way - in an aggravated way).&nbsp; Signing off now gang....&nbsp; &nbsp;

    NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO.&nbsp; you can't sign off yet!&nbsp; jarrod just told me he wants black in the pashminas too!&nbsp;

    my husband...
    Quote Originally Posted by Ron_NYC
    I want to kiss your lips. Both sets.
    * wow you truly are the sterial cunt here are yo not.I fuckin hate you cunt* - Loonywop
    ★ take the sig down ★ - Loonywop

  17. #42
    Senior Member deeply shaded's Avatar
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    Re: Home Decorating

    [quote author=KimTisha link=topic=18633.msg1188853#msg1188853 date=1234915605]
    And I desperately want you to live with me.&nbsp; I don't cook and I could use someone to scrunch my massive collection of pashminas - god knows my husband won't do it!*&nbsp; &nbsp;:lol:&nbsp; Could you bring the adorable little knight in shining armor?&nbsp; I'll drape him in a pashmina - a tiny, adorable little pashmina.

    Speaking of the husband... it's 1AM, he's packing for Spain (we're leaving in five hours) and I'm sitting here on my ass playing around on MDS.&nbsp; I think he might be getting frustrated (not in a sexual way - in an aggravated way).&nbsp; Signing off now gang....&nbsp; &nbsp;

    Ahh. Have a safe trip!

    And yes, I will bring the knight. He will look truly adorable in the pashmina.
    Quote Originally Posted by beli View Post
    kim kardashian - made famous for having a sex tape, should die in a fire
    Quote Originally Posted by McMama View Post
    Have you ever walked into a mall, sat on God's lap, and had your picture taken?

  18. #43
    Senior Member deeply shaded's Avatar
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    Re: Home Decorating


    The chaise

    The pillow up close and personal

    The piano. I've posted this before but I'm in love with it. It looks tiny in this picture.

    This goes in the family room. It is in four pieces that can be pulled apart, rearranged or whatever. I am also in love with this.

    Quote Originally Posted by beli View Post
    kim kardashian - made famous for having a sex tape, should die in a fire
    Quote Originally Posted by McMama View Post
    Have you ever walked into a mall, sat on God's lap, and had your picture taken?

  19. #44
    has supermodel tits neenerneener's Avatar
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    Re: Home Decorating

    [quote author=deeply shaded link=topic=18633.msg1189196#msg1189196 date=1234932320]

    This goes in the family room. It is in four pieces that can be pulled apart, rearranged or whatever. I am also in love with this.


    its all lovely, ds!&nbsp; i like the knight.&nbsp; :lol:

    and the couch...where did you find that?
    Quote Originally Posted by Ron_NYC
    I want to kiss your lips. Both sets.
    * wow you truly are the sterial cunt here are yo not.I fuckin hate you cunt* - Loonywop
    ★ take the sig down ★ - Loonywop

  20. #45
    Senior Member Natasha_XO's Avatar
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    Re: Home Decorating

    I really want that couch.&nbsp; REALLY.&nbsp;

  21. #46
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    Re: Home Decorating

    me too.

  22. #47
    has supermodel tits neenerneener's Avatar
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    Re: Home Decorating

    [quote author=Natasha_XO link=topic=18633.msg1189384#msg1189384 date=1234943798]
    I really want that couch.&nbsp; REALLY.&nbsp;

    [quote author=ichy_underpants link=topic=18633.msg1189386#msg1189386 date=1234943890]
    me too.


    she's my e-mommy. when she kicks off, i'm inheriting it.&nbsp;
    Quote Originally Posted by Ron_NYC
    I want to kiss your lips. Both sets.
    * wow you truly are the sterial cunt here are yo not.I fuckin hate you cunt* - Loonywop
    ★ take the sig down ★ - Loonywop

  23. #48
    Senior Member deeply shaded's Avatar
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    Re: Home Decorating

    [quote author=neenerneener link=topic=18633.msg1189396#msg1189396 date=1234946827]

    she's my e-mommy. when she kicks off, i'm inheriting it.&nbsp;

    You sound like my grandson who is always saying stuff like 'When X dies I get Y.' A little weird for a 6 y/o if you ask me but what do I know.

    I got it at a local furniture place, not a chain but here is the web page of the manufacturer and there is a dealer locator.;imgrefurl=;usg=__orSpfAGJOTLIbc3caEnrnltnB4E=&amp;h=343& amp;w=494&amp;sz=89&amp;hl=en&amp;start=1&amp;um=1 &amp;tbnid=jogS8k1_RYeVgM:&amp;tbnh=90&amp;tbnw=13 0&amp;prev=/images%3Fq%3Djackson%2Bfurniture%26um%3D1%26hl%3De n%26client%3Dfirefox-a%26channel%3Ds%26rls%3Dorg.mozilla:en-US:official%26sa%3DN
    Quote Originally Posted by beli View Post
    kim kardashian - made famous for having a sex tape, should die in a fire
    Quote Originally Posted by McMama View Post
    Have you ever walked into a mall, sat on God's lap, and had your picture taken?

  24. #49
    Senior Member TinkerBelly's Avatar
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    Re: Home Decorating

    Here are some pictures of my house.....

    Computer central

    Casual Kitchen Dining Area

    A room I did for the girls once they were no longer babies.&nbsp; It's bright and fun.&nbsp; They have a floor to ceiling dollhouse that isn't pictured.&nbsp;

    and comfortable.&nbsp; I don't have to worry about them falling out of bed either!
    Quote Originally Posted by angelaiscaustic View Post
    I mean I spent most V days drunk, but that's because I'm a lush, not bc I was bitter haha

  25. #50
    Senior Member Natasha_XO's Avatar
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    Re: Home Decorating

    Tink!&nbsp; Your house is gorgeous!&nbsp; I love love love the brown and blue pillows and throw on the couch.&nbsp;
    I love how bright and cheery the kitchen is, so cute.&nbsp; I am also kind of obsessed with the room you did for your nieces.&nbsp; I love the curtains!&nbsp; Where did you get them?&nbsp;

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