On Saturday, a heart broken community says goodbye to 18-year-old Kelsey Vines. Vines died in a car accident Tuesday evening, when a dump truck smashed into her car. About 1200 people gathered at Indiana Avenue Baptist Church for her funeral.

Kelsey Vines was described by her friends as someone who could always make you smile. She was very athletic participating in basketball and track at Lubbock Cooper High School, and she had a passion for photography, but what really stands out about Kelsey to the Cooper Community is her strong faith in God.

"And even though we want to question God and tell him it's not fair, we know that we have to have the same faith that Kelsey did," said Kelsey's basketball and track coach.

People that knew Kelsey say that she was always trying to spread the word of God. One friend remembers when Kelsey reached out to a classmate. "Last year she wanted to give him a Bible, because she knew how much it had changed her life and she wanted him to have the same joy that she found through Christ. He didn't accept it, but she didn't give up on him and she always prayed for him and loved him and on the first day of school this year, he came up to her and asked her if he could have the Bible that she offered him a year ago, and she was so excited because she was so grateful to see how God was working in his life through her," said one of Kelsey's friends.

Her pastor says even her bedroom was decorated with her faith. "When you turn to the left and you look up on the wall in stencils, very beautiful Proverbs 3:5 and this is what is says. Trust in the Lord with all your heart and do not lean on your own understanding in all your ways acknowledge him and he will direct thy path," said Pastor Steve McMeans.

Kelsey's boyfriend says he thought they would always be together, but he believes that she is in a better place. "I love you Kelsey Renee forever, forever and always like we always said," said Kelsey's boyfriend.

"Kelsey's not only in a better place she is in the better place, the best place, the place we all hope to call home. Congratulations sweet girl you've made it home. I love you and we all love you," said a friend.

Kelsey's parents both work in the Lubbock-Cooper School System. She also leaves behind an older brother, and her twin sister Kayla who was also in the accident. She is still recovering from her injuries. There is a memorial fund in memory of Kelsey, and you can donate at any City Bank.